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Mike Dearman Member
of 3

Any update?  Have you been able to reproduce and resolve?



Can you provide an update on this?  We are stuck at version 9 and cannot upgrade to version 10 without this resolved.


Posted: December 20, 2016 5:35 PM

By default, we use MenuWindowType=Normal except when the IFRAME the grid is in is too narrow (less than 375px).  When its too narrow, the WebGrid's context WebMenu doesn't display properly.  That is why we worked around the issue using the Popup.  You make a good point about that being IE specific though.  The application is IE specific currently, but will be expanded to cross-browser soon too.

Anything we can do so the Normal MenuWindowType can display better with narrow browser windows/IFRAMEs?


I also saw what the SetColumnLabelWidth function does to help set the auto width, which has its own "wait until the column/grid is visible" logic.

The issue in our scenario is that the outer DIV (higher up in the DOM) is being hidden by an element/control that has no idea what is in the container, so it doesn't know the grid is there.  So it can't call Visible=false or ClientVisible=false.

Can the grid and SetColumnLabelWidth work together to check if any of its parent elements are hidden, and skip the continuous timeout checks per column?  Perhaps a single grid "check if visible" timeout (maybe not so aggresive/quick at 10ms) that can then call into the columns to set their label width, etc?  I know it can't detect when it becomes visible due to a parent element, so this might be at least a consolidated check.


Thank you - that worked!

We aren't customizing the localization files.  Yes, the root cause seems to be that if the internal GetString call returns null/undefined, then other functions will fail.  From what I could tell, this issue can occur if the grid's context menu opens before the default.xml localization file is fully loaded.  So it doesn't have the string to use yet.


Thanks Yudi - in case it helps, I'm running IE 11.0.9600.17538 with Update Versions 11.0.38 (KB3203621) on Windows 8.1.  I have reproduced this issue across several PCs with Windows 8.1 and 10.


Has this been fixed yet?  I think I'm seeing similar issues where even though I have RestoreRowSelection=All, PersistRowChecker=True, and AllowMultipleSelection=True, it sometimes doesn't return any CheckedRows from Table.GetCheckedRows on the server-side.  The grid XML sent over doesnt have the RowKV in the SelectedObject either, so it appears to be a client-side issue of some kind.


Thank you very much - we were having the same problem in IE8 with the Stop Running Scripts prompt.  Appears to be fixed now in build 431.

Can this be controlled on a WebGrid property like "IgnoreVirtualLoadModeOnGroupExpandAll"?  Even if the default is to only load 50.  There are some scenarios where I need the user to be able to finish loading all records underneath all groups and automatically expand them.

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