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Luciano Sitzia Member
of 2
Posted: June 28, 2010 5:16 AM

Hello, I have noticed that some controls like ISDatasource or WebNavigationPan repeate the same choice several times in the menu. (see attachments).

I still have the problem that WebSmartResources isn't registered in Web.Config. (see previous messages)

Environment: WIN 2008 R2 64 VS 2008 SP1.

If I have to open a new ticket I will do it.

Thank you.

Kind regards.



Posted: June 25, 2010 3:49 AM

Hi Handy, I have sent to your mail address the registry export.

Thank you.


My best regards.



Posted: June 25, 2010 3:47 AM

Hi Andi, as you will see on the attachments the  entry ISnet.WEbUi.Resurces is missing in the web.config. I tried to delete the entry <add key="ISNet.WebUI.ISRes_Registered" value="true"/> 

and registering back WebSmartResurces but in web.config the entry is still missing. I haven tried with a fresh new project same result: no entry in web.cpnfig.

Please cosider that my environment is: Windows 2008 R2 + VS 2008 SP1 and the the function that register Web Resouces could have a problem in this environment.

Thank you.

My best regards.



Posted: June 24, 2010 6:28 AM

Hi Handy, my environment is the following:

Windows 2008 R2 64 + VS 2008 SP1 + WebUi Studio 2009 R2 Sp1.

I confirm that all components display a red cross instead of icons only when I open a project as File System. The same project opened as Local IIS diplays correctly all the icons in all components.

I don't know if this information could be useful, but even if I have registered all my licenses by License manager and it shows all the codes as valid the project strats always in trial version.

I have even ran ISReg64.exe but nothing has changed.

Thank you.

Kind regards.


Posted: June 24, 2010 5:51 AM

Hi Andi, I have SmartWebResouces registered in web.config if is this what you ment. Any way I have attached a screenshot of my project where you can check if the path is correct. I have verified in my projects developed by previous of  WEbUi versions and the the path starts always with /commonLibrary/....

Thank you.

My best Regards.



Posted: June 23, 2010 3:16 AM

Hello Handy, IIS 7.5, in order to run debugging, opening a project as local IIS in VS 2008 SP1,  needs to set IIS authentication: windows authentication = Enable. Now opening the project as local IIS all the WebUi controls display icons correctly. But if I open the project as File System no icons are displayed.

Thank you.


My best regards.


Posted: June 22, 2010 6:09 AM

Hi Handy,  as you can see on the attachments the virtual directory was set during the WebUi Studio’s installation process.

It was registered as application and not as simple virtual directory.

The Web resources had been registered in the project.  

 I noticed that if I open the project as File System I can't see the icons but, opening it as Local IIS all the icons are dispalyed properly, the only problem is that I get the error: unable to start debugging ...

 I noticed that if I open the project as File System I can't see the icons but, opening it as Local IIS all the icons are dispalyed properly, the only problem is that I get the error: unable to start debugging ...

My best regards.




Posted: October 26, 2009 4:39 AM

Hi Glenn, I have apreciate your effort to find a workaroud for something that isn't supported by WG. Considering that WG returns the entire composite key for the child selected row I prefer to retrieve it by querying the data adapter.

I must say that I'm very disappoited because I am waiting since WG release 3.5 for a real composite key management.

In any way, I must  tank you for helping me.

My best regards.




Posted: October 26, 2009 4:38 AM

Hi Glenn, I have apreciate your effort to find a workaroud for something that isn't supported by WG. Considering that WG returns the entire composite key for the child selected row I prefer to retrieve it by querying the data adapter.

I must say that I'm very disappoited because I am waiting since WG release 3.5 for a real composite key management.

In any way, I must  tank you for helping me.

My best regards.




Posted: October 23, 2009 6:51 AM

Hi Glenn, I could retrieve child row's values with the code below and using only one field as key but I couldn't when the key is composite by more fields. How shoud I declare a coposite key in WG?

Thank you, regards.


Dim Protocollo As Integer = CInt(WebGrid1.RetrieveClientLastSelectedObject().KeyValue)
            Session("PROTOCOLLO") = Protocollo
            Session("CODICE_RICHIEDENTE") = WebGrid1.GetTableByName("Pratiche").Rows.GetRowByKeyValue(Protocollo).Cells.GetNamedItem("CODICE_RICHIEDENTE").Value

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