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Fung Inter Member
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Posted: October 20, 2011 7:13 AM

Thanks Hendrik,

Please update me if there is any other work around that I could used to finish my task.

Is there any way to "Cancel" the "Accept All changes" so that the pending changes can be stay in the grid once the data validation failed?




I had look into the javascript's error and found that the error is related to a missing object.

The javascript error is caused by below snippet:


the above function is called by :

function wgDispObjGeneric(v9b147, v95951, v01860, vcd931, v04925, v46570, v7fa21, v4e033) {
    wg5ce7.m49b17(v9b147, v95951, v01860, vcd931, v04925, v46570, v7fa21, v4e033);

The highlighted object is the "Object required" (which is stated by IE's javascript error)

Since we need to call RefreshAll() in some of the work flow, is there any work around for this issue?




I had figured out a fix (for IE), just scroll back to the original position after the clicking the month of the date editor.

Java script snippet

// Scroll back after edit
function WebInputDate_OnBlur() {
	var InputCalendar = document.getElementById("WebInputDate_ISDefDateTimeEdt");
	if (InputCalendar) {
		if (["visibility"]=="visible") {
			return true;
	var intLeft = document.body.scrollLeft;
	if (intLeft > 0) {

Assign the function to be invoked when the WebInput is OnBlur.

 ASPX snippet for the WebInput Control:

<ISWebInput:WebInput ID="WebInputDate" runat="server" DecimalSeparator="" 
MaxDate="12/31/9998 23:59:59" MinDate="1753-01-01">
	<ClientSideEvents OnBlur="WebInputDate_OnBlur"></ClientSideEvents>



Thanks Yudi,

I had tried your fix, the value is now shown on the cell but the text and value always stays the same after modifying the cell (integrated with WebInput). 

i.e. in the 4th step in my last uploaded .png file, the cell is now filled with text, but the text is the same as what it was (9/25/2011 12:...) instead of the date I expected.

Is there way to fix this issue?

Thanks again,


Hi Lili,

Thanks, I am looking forward to the solution, since this is an important part for my clients report.

Best Regards,


Hi Lili,

Thanks , the proposed workaround provided still can't fix the issue.

Here's the information for your reference.

WebGrid Version: 7.0.7200.419

WebDesktop Version: 3.0.7200.324

WebTreeView Version: 1.0.1500.223

Please kindly help.

Thanks again,


Posted: May 20, 2011 4:51 AM

Hi Handy,

I "meet" the error (only once) today. I can provide a little bit more information for your reference, hope it's useful. I wonder if I had made any wrong settings for the grid to produce this error.

Attached IE's Javascript Error's (txt File) for your information.

I had opened the java script to investigate, and I found the code below caused the error:


GetNode: function(v2ac57,v13867) { return v2ac57.selectSingleNode(v13867); }

 The javascript error message from IE:

Message: 'null' is null or not an object

Line: 11

Char: 34285

Code: 0

URI: http://localhost/test/ISRes.axd?F/ISCore.js/305000757


    mba377: function (v6b124, v1ed69) {
        var v1eb97 = wg12a97.me1872();
        for (var vfaa51 = 0; vfaa51 < v1eb97.length; vfaa51++) {
            var v3ef85 = v1eb97[vfaa51];
            if ( {
                if (v3ef85.LayoutSettings.AutoHeight) {
                    v3ef85.NeedHeightResize = true;
                } else {
                    if ( != "") {
                        if ("%") > 0) {
                            v3ef85.CacheTBodyHeight = null;
                if (v3ef85.LayoutSettings.AutoWidth) {
                    v3ef85.NeedWidthResize = true;
                var va807 = v3ef85.RootTable.GetElement(WG40.BODY, WG40.HTMLDIV);
                if (va807 != null && va807.scrollLeft > (va807.scrollWidth - va807.clientWidth - 17)) wg12a97.mb1921(v3ef85, null, null, true);
            } else {
            if (v3ef85.LayoutSettings.AutoFitColumns &&"%") >= 0) {
                if (v3ef85.TempResizeID != 0) clearTimeout(v3ef85.TempResizeID);
                setTimeout("wgdbb18.m79551('" + v3ef85.Name + "')", 500);
            if (v3ef85.LayoutSettings.AllowColumnFreezing == "Yes") {
            if (v6b124 && v3ef85.CacheTBodyHeight == null) {
                wgdbb18.m8e576(v3ef85.RootTable.GetElement(WG40.BODY, WG40.HTMLDIV), ( && IS.IsXHTMLDocType()));

 IE Javascript Error:

Message: Object required

Line: 9

Char: 30652

Code: 0

URI: http://localhost/test/ISRes.axd?G/WebGrid_Core.js/707200419

Hope my information is useful for your investigation.

Best Regards,


Hi Martin,

The file is uploaded and tested to be able to download. Please have a look.

Thanks and Regards,


Posted: May 10, 2011 11:42 PM

Hi Handy,

My current browser is IE8, and for the mode --> Browser Mode is IE8, Document Mode is Quirks (Page Default)

I am sorry that I am currently not able to have a simple sample for you to reproduce the issue yet. But I think I can summarize some common places for the issue, I hope these information can give you more clue about the issue.

Usually the issue will occurs when then WebGrid is placed inside a WebPane (with 2 Panes) after postback (WebPaneManager's Page??) , the horizontal scrollbar will shrink to 2px

I am having a similar screenshot as this case (I had already tried the solution of the issue but not work):

(The first picture in the error.docx file)

Detailed Description of my case:

The Page is splited into two Panes horizontally, a WebTabManager (with serveral WebTabs of IFrame Mode) is placed in the lower Pane, the WebGrid is inside one of the WebTab (as IFrame). One of the page in the WebTab call a postback from the Upper Pane, and then a Dialog box is popup (using server-side code --> RegisterClientScript(Me.GetType, scripts))

After the Dialog box finished loading, Go back to the WebGrid's Tab, the horizontal scroll bar is shrinked. If I add your code to force the scrollbar to 19px when I change to the WebGrid's Tab page, it works, but then when my mouse is over the pane's splitter or webtab, the scrollbar will return to 2px again.

Thanks and regards,



I am trying to integrate a WebInput (Date Input) into a WebGrid and having the same problem. The issue can be reproduced by Enabling the DateTimeEditor of the WebInput.

Is there any work around to fix this issue?

Thanks and Regards,


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