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Stefano Santo Sabato Member
Posted: January 17, 2011 6:18 AM

Ok, remote desktop connection is a good idea. what application do you use for connection?

I'm wait for your conctact about session time ad connection application. My default application is TeamViewer.Contact me at

My local time is GMT +1.00, my working hour is 9.00-19.00.

Posted: January 17, 2011 4:20 AM

This is the screenshot error...

I've tried to totally uninstall Client UI from production server but the problem is not solved.

This is the license.islicx file:


  <Product Name="Intersoft.ClientUI" Version="3.0.5000" Stamp="xxxxxxxxxxx" LicenseID="xxxxx" />


Is in the right format?

This the "About Client UI" screenshot, I've a valid license key. Pheraps is the version number wrong?

3.0.5000.1 instead 3.0.5000

Help me!

Posted: January 14, 2011 8:29 AM

Please contact me for a solution.

My application is completed and my customer need to performing a trial session.

I'm followed your step-bystep procedure for many example application but the problem is not solved.

I hope you can solve my trouble.

Posted: January 14, 2011 5:22 AM

Thank you, but the problem in not resolved...

The lincense.islicx must be place also in IIS folder, or in the XAP file?

And after I include the file in Visual Studio I must rebuild all?

I'm open E-Bilancio-Forms.dll and I find embedded license.islicx, so I think that the procedure is Ok...Pheraps is wrong my runtime license key?

The license is from Developer Network, of course...I'm seriously concerned!


Posted: January 13, 2011 11:26 AM

The message happen in my deployment environment (IIS 7).

After creating the  licenses.islicx file I rebuild all and copy the aspx file obtain in my inetpub/wwroot/.../CLientBin folder. I must include in this folder  licenses.islicx?

Screen.jpg is a screenshot of my Visual Studio 2010 environment.

Is licenses.islicx? on the right position? 

And on wich dll I must apply runtime license key, E-Bilancio-Forms.dll or E-Bilancio-Forms.Web.dllE-Bilancio-Forms.dll?

Can you give me a step-by-step solution?

Please, help me!


Hi i solved installing the new silverlight SDK toolkit for visual studio 2010.

thank you for your support.


thank you for answering.

Here there are 2 screenshots. in the first you can see a warning that "says" that some files are missing.

In the second you can see in the output panel that there is an error in ClientUI_Desktop_application.csproj

The file /Silverlight/v4.0/Microsoft.Silverlight.CSharp.targets is missing

Were can i find this file ??


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