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Jemmy Haryono Moderator
Posted: February 9, 2010 11:18 AM


where are the release notes of updates

to check which bugs got fixed ?

Hi Yaniv,

Click here to download the release notes in PDF.


Posted: December 15, 2009 11:17 PM

What is the best way to proceed with upgrading from 2009 R1 to 2009 R2?




If you decide to completely uninstall the 2009 R1, please be sure to remove your license key completely before proceeding. Check out the licensing and de-licensing your products here.

If you want to keep the 2009 R1, we have a nice side-by-side installation article that might be handy.

- Jemmy

Posted: October 12, 2009 11:56 PM

I'm a licensed user of WebGrid, currently using version 6.0.7200.210.


2) Can I upgrade to the latest version of WebGrid (version 7.....) for free?

Hi Jim,

It seems that you have single developer license of WebGrid Enterprise. Unfortunately, we won't be able to give you for free. However, we can offer you an attractive upgrade pricing. Please contact

Additionally, you might want to download the 30-day trial of the latest WebGrid in Intersoft Request Trial Page.

Posted: August 27, 2009 3:11 AM

Hi Kaushik,

Since you're currently still evaluating Infragistics’ data grid, you might want to check on ours as well.

It’s always good to have many options before deciding further. 

In Intersoft’s WebGrid, you can easily define your own column (column that you want to display only) in aspx level or in server-side.  We have tons of samples and self study tutorials to help you with your evaluation.

Check our website and blogs regularly for latest updates and forums to get help with your technical problems.

Welcome to Intersoft Solutions.

Best regards,

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