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Ewoudt Kellerman Member
Posted: January 14, 2010 12:17 AM

I've ended up using Request.Form values because the SpellChecker requires rebinding every postback  to work, i.e. you can't use viewstate values with the spellchecker.



Posted: November 18, 2009 6:54 PM

The spellchecker works now, but because i'm rebinding the data on every postback it's not very useful as i can't save the values that are entered...

I have tried working around this by saving and loading the values before and after the rebinding but it causes the spellchecker to not work anymore.



Posted: November 15, 2009 9:52 PM

Thank you, I will change my code and get back to you soon.

Posted: November 15, 2009 8:40 PM


This is the text in the error popup i'm getting, and yes my dictionary doesnt load, the popup shows, the value of my textbox loads but the dictionary doesnt load and the waiting gif stays there.

Error occurred:
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns="" >
    <form name="form1" method="post" action="RepeaterTest.aspx" id="form1">


Posted: November 12, 2009 5:41 PM

Here is a visual studio solution with the files and no external namespaces (other than Intersoft).

Posted: November 12, 2009 1:35 AM

After copious amounts of fiddling i have been able to strip down my page with the spellchecker in a repeater that is erroring, i'm not sure that it's even the same error but it could be.



Posted: November 10, 2009 7:51 PM


There are some things in your code (which works fine on my PC) that is different to mine so i changed mine accordingly, but i still get the error, 

apon further inspection i found that it's erroring when it does, a flypostback.

Instead of getting something like this as a response 

<isnet.webui.webspellchecker><action>SpellCheckWithDialogBox</action><WebSpellChecker>...</WebSpellChecker><action xmlns="SpellCheckWithDialogBox" /><clientActions><![CDATA[]]></clientActions></isnet.webui.webspellchecker>

 I get an incomplete version of my page, 

In my code the post sends some params with the post.

There is also a Script Manager in my page, would this conflict with the webspellchecker?


Posted: November 10, 2009 5:42 PM

Thanks, that's very useful, i was hoping there was a way of setting it server-side, which would make it much simpler if your doing many of them,

This works brilliantly though, 

Thank you

Posted: November 9, 2009 10:07 PM


There is a javascript popup that gets shown when using the Spellchecker as seen in the Live Demo

I want to change the z-index because i have a div which has a higher z-index than the spellchecker's z-index, so i can't actually see the spellchecker div.

I also would like to change the shadows around the spellchecking popup if at all possible?



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