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Erwin Sanders Member
of 11
Posted: May 13, 2016 2:01 AM

Hi Luciano,

This hotfix will be release on our next updates at the end of the month along with the other small fixes as this categorizes as a 'non-stopper' issue.

By the way, I tried it with 10 WebInput controls embedded inside a table and there are no spacing displayed. You should define all the ErrorText to an empty string for this to work. I attached a sample for you to evaluate.

Hope this helps.

Best Regards,
Erwin Sanders

Posted: May 12, 2016 3:24 AM

Hello Luciano,

Thank you for the report. Seems like this issue needs to be investigated further, it's been backlogged under ASPNET-396. In the meantime, try changing the value of ErrorText from "Errore" to "". This should remove the spacing under WebInput.

Erwin Sanders

Hi Alexandre,

Have you tried following the steps in our blog? It should be working whether you're creating the WebGrid in server or client side. If the blog post steps don't work for you, try the following steps. First include these files that I attached below in your project. Then, change the ProjectInfo's AppName in the istheme.config and the unified theming should be applied automatically. Let me know if this works for you.

Erwin Sanders

Hello Sachin,

I've been trying to recreate WebCalendar1.SelectedDates.Clear(); using older WebEssentials (i.e. WebEssentials4_0_1000_15 and WebEssentials4_0_1000_16) but it still doesn't work. May I know which version of WebEssentials that you use for using the Clear method? If it indeed works on older version, maybe this was a bug that somehow was unintentionally removed while we were working the new assemblies.

I also found a workaround for you at the moment. Try selecting the date to something that's really old, for example:

protected void wcCity_ValueChanged(object sender, ISNet.WebUI.WebCombo.ValueChangedEventArgs e) {
    WebCalendar1.SelectedDate = new DateTime(100, 1, 1);

This isn't the best appliance for the issue, but it does the job at the moment for fast fix.


For the save modified dates issue, how about showing an alert after users clicked the save button but no dates were selected? Therefore, to modify a saved dates, users would need to at least select a date.

Erwin Sanders

Posted: May 10, 2016 3:43 AM

Hi Sachin,

Currently our WebGrid doesn't have a feature to export its data to .xlsx nor to export it to a specific file type other than our built-in types. I've addressed this as a feature request to upgrade our WebGrid. Hopefully we can implement it on the next update of our products. Thank you for your feedback, we really appreciate it.

Erwin Sanders

Posted: May 10, 2016 3:36 AM

Hi Luciano,

Thanks for the snippet code and images you sent. Simply change its DisplayFormat's Format to "c" which stands for currency. I'd tried it on my end and it should work when you initialize the value on page load.

<DisplayFormat ErrorMessage="Digitare un valore" ErrorText="Digita importo" Format="c" IsEnabled="True" IsValidateOnChange="False" Type="Number">

We also have a documentation page about our WebInput's Data Formatting which you can visit here. Hope this helps.

Erwin Sanders

Posted: May 10, 2016 2:10 AM

Glad to hear that the hotfix is working and thanks for the information. If you've got any other questions, feel free to ask us again.

Erwin Sanders

Hi Sachin,

Sorry for the late reply on this issue.

  1. HightlightTodayDate is the one with the red bordered date. If it's set to false, then today date won't be bordered red.
  2. What would be your needs when the SelectedDates are cleared? I might be able to come up with a workaround for you.
  3. Our current WebCalendar couldn't unselect a date since it's a 'not nullable' DateTime.
I'm looking forward to help you on issue #2.

Erwin Sanders

Hi Sachin,

You would need to define the width in table and tr as well. It shouldn't work if you only set it in td as the td couldn't know its parents' width. Hope this helps.

Erwin Sanders

Posted: May 9, 2016 3:46 AM

Hello Jean,

I was testing the OnClick with an alert parameter and it worked fine. I assumed that you were trying to call something with that OnClick event. I am able to replicate the issue by calling the OnClick method without parameter.

May I know what event you are calling that function from? I tried calling it from CommandClientSideEvents OnClick event (since the function's name is clickToolbar), but this doesn't seem right because the function will give you an infinite loop (because it will call OnClick method after it's clicked). So, would you mind telling me the scenario you're trying to achieve?

Anyway, our dev team came up with another hotfix for the issue that you reported which I attached below.

Erwin Sanders

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