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Ethan Waters Member

Hello Handy,

I wrote you about the same problem back on april 30,2010.  I am still having this issue.  I tried Tim's suggestion and it did not work.

I will say that I don't know if hte smartwebresources is doing anything.  The ISCore is still looking to a local file.

Are there any other suggestions? 

You can refer to my other post for more info.  As I said back then, if I load everything on a different machine everything works fine.   But this is my dev machine so I need to figure out what configuration option is causing a problem

As I said back then, this is only a problem in IE.



Posted: May 4, 2010 12:27 PM

I said that on one machine it works no problem and the other it does not.  I do not doubt that the code will work on your side. 

I am looking for suggestions as to what is configured differently on the machine that does not work.  Do the lines that are erroring tell you anything about where I should look for an issue?  The combo boxes work fine, but it is not fun to click through 2 messages boxes each time I do a post-back.


To clarify:

On this line of javascript:        var v1ce37 =this.FrameObj.parentElement

I get this error:                         Microsoft JScript runtime error: Object required


Immediately after above error I get another error:

On this line of javascript:        v50372 =v2998.XmlDt.documentElement;

I get this error:                         Microsoft JScript runtime error: 'XmlDt.documentElement' is null or not an object

 Also, when I set VS to work with safari I do not have problem.  It only happens in IE.


Posted: April 30, 2010 5:08 PM

I have the same files on my laptop and my workstation and my laptop works no problem.  The step-by-step is opeing any page with a webcombo on it and I get the 2 error messages right away upon loading the page.

Posted: November 30, 2009 3:07 PM

Hello Glenn,

Thanks for your reply.

I am still a little puzzled as to the differences between video 2 and video 3 which are both webcombo 4.  Regardless, for now I have it working by adding code to the server-side AddItem event to repopulate webcombo with datasource "unioned" with the new item:

select countryid from countries union select 'newitem' as countryid

The only thing that I am noticing is that the additem event is being hit if I type "Us" when "US" is in the list of country IDs (additem does not get hit when I type "US").  In webcombo 2 it did not seem to care about case.  Is there a way to make it case insensitive?

Thanks for your time,




Posted: November 25, 2009 2:37 PM


Attach find the videos you requested.

Video 1:

Shows the performance in our .net 1.1 application that has used webcombo for 4 years.  As you can see, upon load of page, the initializedatasource is hit.  After that, the initialize datasource is not hit again when the user enters a value (one in the list or one that is not).  Upon click of submit button I am able to read the value of the webcombo in the button click event regardless of whether it is in the list or not.  At no point do I attempt to add it to the underlying list of values.  I am just using the value temporarily.

Video 2:

Shows the .net 2.0/3.5 application we are working on now.  In this movie you see that much like in video 1 the initialize datasource only gets hit once--the first time the page is loaded.  Even on the click of the submit button, the initialize datasource does not get hit again.  However, when I get to the click event of the button, the webcombo.text value is blank. 

If I put a stop in the onload event, the webcombo.text value will be correct.  By the time I get to the button click event it has been cleared.  None of my code runs in between these 2 events.

I also created a new test page (within the same project) with just a webcombo and a button.  The same performance occurred here. 

video 3:

Shows a .net 2.0/3.5 new project created just to test this issue.  There is one form with a single combo box and button.  Here I see different performance than in video 1 and video 2.  In video 3 the initialize datasource is hit multiple times--on initial load of page, when user starts to type, when user tabs from webcombo, and after I click submit button. 

In this project I agree with you that when it hits the initialize datasource after the click of the submit button it will clear the value from the combo if it is not in list.

So I added a variable to hold the wc.value until after the combo populates.  It then sets the value if the temp variable is not blank.  As you can see from the movie, the value appears to be set while I am in the initialize datasource event.  However, as I step into the button click event, the value is gone.

The only way that I can get this to work is if I check for a value in the field and then build a union query with the value that does not exist in list.  I would rather not have to rewrite all my code to take this into account.

So, my questions are the following:

-- Why am i getting such different performance between video 2 and video 3?

-- What is your suggested solution?

-- If video 3 is how it is supposed to work, is there anyway to prevent the numerous hits to the intialize datasource.  I don't understand why the webcombo has to requery so many times for a user entering one value into one webcombo.  In .net 1.1 version I hit the sql server once for each combo.  Now it is approx. 5 or so connections to the sql server for a user entering a single value.

Thanks for your time,

Posted: November 24, 2009 2:39 PM

What tools doyou suggest for making a video?

Posted: November 20, 2009 5:05 PM

I am not trying to add the text value into the list, I just want the text accessibly by the button_click.  I recreated a sample page as suggested and it worked like you said it would.  However within my project it does not work this way, the dlls are the same and the aspx code is the same.  Within my project I put breaks in for most of the functions, the text was present in the page_load of the postback but the initializedatasource was never hit, then the text was gone in the on_click.  I did as you suggested and used the addItem event, but the text was also gone by the time it hit the breakpoint in this event.  What would cause my project to handle the webcombo functions different than a project I create from scratch?  Is there some other file that contains settings that may need to be changed?  Or is there code hidden somewhere in the webcombo?  This project is one that I just upgraded from Webcombo2.



"You can also set a condition (!isPostBack) to avoid onLoad to be called.."

Do you mean using !ispostback as part of IF condition in the onload event or is there another place you can use it? 


As I mentioned in my post, I already use !ispostback in the onload.  But there is certain code that I need to run on other (non) webcombo postbacks--so I can't put all my onload code into this condition statement. 

Is there anyway to know that the webcombo is causing the post back once I get to onload event?

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