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Dimitris Β. Member
of 2
Hello everybody,
I was wondering: since Intersoft seems to be out of business at least concerning the ASP.NET Web Components since 2017, how do you cope with update or support issues?
I've found a workaround for this.
Enter chrome://flags in the address bar, then search for a setting called TableNG and disable it by selecting "Disabled" from the available values in the dropdown list. After the browser is restarted, the problem disappears.

Apparently, you must apply this to each computer running your application under Chrome but it might save the day in some cases.
chrome 90 works correctly, this error occurs on the newest version 91.

You are right, I was refering to version 91 myself, I just did the wrong copy/paste :-)

Adding the following line in InitializeLayout event handler seems to solve the problem:

combo.LayoutSettings.AutoColumnOrdering = False

Many thanks to Jolis from Live Chat!

I am also using WebGrid 9 in my apps. Is there a patch for v9?

The problem was found, it was in our code. The component works fine!

Many thanks for helping!



Still haven't solved it. Still no response here...

Sorry, I mistakenly said that the button appears on the left, it's on the right side.

About the problem, it does not occur everytime. I thought the JS error would give you a tip.

I've added the code you proposed and it works great now. 

Many thanks!

Posted: October 20, 2015 5:18 PM
Works ok now. Many thanks!
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