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Chetan Pawar Member
Posted: October 14, 2009 12:41 AM

Hi Dicky,

Thank you for the replies. Understood the answers.

In my required scenario, I would need to create webgrid columns runtime as requested by user. Many columns are drop down type. I understood, I have to use “integrated dropdropdown menu” built-in webgrid for this purpose.

I have checked samples provided with the trial package to implement same, but unsuccessful. Can you please give me small sample to use “integrated dropdropdown menu” in grid using detch at runtime.

Thank you again.

Posted: October 12, 2009 5:46 AM

Hello Dicky,

Thank you for example i have followed steps and it works.

I have 2 more question with same topic.

1. If the grid would require more than one columns with drop down type, do i need that many number of web combo in page?

2. Currently web grid column with web comb shows "DataValueField", please give me the method to show "DataTextField".

Thanks again.

Posted: October 12, 2009 3:09 AM

Hello Dicky,

Thanks for quick reply,

I have tried the same grid gets loaded when i click any cell of column having dropd down box it prompt me alert "Can't find instance with ID".

My code is follows, please suggest me solution.

DataTable objDT = GetData(int.Parse(hiddenProjectID.Value), 0, 0, 50);
// UltraWebGridData.InitializeLayout += new LayoutEventHandler(UltraWebGridData_InitializeLayout);
UltraWebGridData.DataSource = objDT;
DataTable locationshash = GetLocations();//webcomobo data
locationshash.TableName = "tbllocation";
WebValueList v1Items = UltraWebGridData.RootTable.Columns[2].ValueList;
v1Items.DataSource = locationshash;
v1Items.DataMember = "tbllocation";
v1Items.DataTextField = "Description";
v1Items.DataValueField = "LocationId";
WebGridColumn colLocation = UltraWebGridData.RootTable.Columns[2];
colLocation.EditType = EditType.WebComboNET;
colLocation.WebComboID = "WebCombo1";

"WebCombo1" is design time webcomobo in form.

Also for more than one column of drop down type in a grid. would required same number of webcombo on page.

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