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Chandradev Prasad Member
Hi @Frank P
I am also getting the exact error. Please could you tell me, how did you fix your problem ?


I had fix the issue. By removing this 2 line code. which was there in SetEventControlsProperty(). and this was calling on page load.

But it was throwing strange issue description in stack tarce.

 txtBeginDate.DateTimeEditor.IsEnabled = True
            txtEndDate.DateTimeEditor.IsEnabled = True

Hi is there any update on above issue ?

Thank for sending the reply. I am upgrading the intersoft control to latest version. So this issue comming only in latest version. Yes i have used HTML 5 DocType and Rendering mode to HTML5. if i had not used then i would not work on firefox and chrome browser.

 Since it is old application so it is not possible to send all related code.

Above code snippet has been used for grid and within one calender control is there. 

Please find the screenshot in below attachment.

We donot have previllage to upload on other server. Please check the first image it is showing properly. In firefox, Parent is not coming on browser. This is the only difference.


Just now i was searching the exact reason of this issue. Then i show the Calender control in webgrid is behaving different in IE 11 and other browser.

In IE 11 it is adding "Parent" on event client side event. But in Firefox and chrome it is not adding

Could you tell me why it is behaving like this in IE browser and what is the fix for fix ?

My webgrid code is aspx is like this

 <DT:WebGridEx ID="grdPrices" runat="server" Height="100%" OnContextMenuCreate="OnContextMenuCreate" 
                                        <DT:WebMenuItem Text="Delete" Name="cmdDelete" />
                                    <LayoutSettings RowLostFocusAction="AlwaysUpdate" NewRowLostFocusAction="AlwaysUpdate" Hierarchical="True"
                                        AllowContextMenu="true" AllowAddNew="Yes" AllowEdit="Default" AllowDelete="yes" AllowColumnMove="Yes"  
                                        AllowSorting="No" HeaderClickAction="NotSet">
                                        <ClientSideEvents OnColumnResize="RefreshGridAll" OnBeforeAdd="OnBeforeAdd" OnBeforeUpdate="OnBeforeUpdate;"
                                            OnBeforeDelete="OnBeforeDelete;" OnEnterEditMode="OnEnterEditMode" OnAfterResponseProcess="FixPriceColumnAlignment();"
                                            OnInitialize="RefreshIfEmty" />
                                  <%--  <UserLayoutSettings ObjectName="FORECAST/SKU_PRICES" />--%>

It is rendering on browser like attached images.


Thank for sending reply. I had fixed that issue force fully by Javascript.

But while testing WebCombo control in bank page then i m getting output like this IE 10 as below attached image file.

 but it is comming fine in Firefox. Could you tell me, what is the fix for that issue.\

My code is like this

<%@ Page Language="VB" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeFile="IntersoftWebForm.aspx.vb"    Inherits="IntersoftWebForm" %><%@ Register Assembly="ISNet.WebUI.WebCombo" Namespace="ISNet.WebUI.WebCombo" TagPrefix="ISWebCombo" %>
<head runat="server">
    <title>Untitled Page</title>
    <form id="form1" runat="server">
    <br />
    <br />
    <br />
    <br />
        <ISWebCombo:WebCombo ID="WebCombo1" runat="server" UseDefaultStyle="true">
            <LayoutSettings AlwaysShowAllRowsOnDropdown="true" AlwaysShowHelpButton="false">

Please check the op in IE 10.

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