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Brett Member

I opened the toolbox utility and ran it as an Administrator.  While the toolbox utility was running, I was watching the processes to make sure the Visual Studio development environment did not run or was not opened.  Apparently, devenv.exe, which is the process that runs when Visual Studio 2010 is running starts to run.  How do I keep that process closed while running the utility?  I think the software is great, but I would prefer not having to add a new tab with all the tools everytime I open a new project.



Perhaps I wasn't making myself completely clear in the first post, but I did use the Toolbox Install Utility that you suggested and that is why I got the log.txt file.  When I ran the Intersoft Visual Studio Toolbox Utility, it attempts to run the registration of the toolbox and after running for about a minute or so, I get the following dialogue box that displays:


An error occured when re-registering the toolbox.  Please check the log.txt file.


My machine is a Dell Inspiron E1705 running Windows Vista Ultimate.  I have Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate installed and I don't know what the issue is.  I also have Telerik's RadControls toolbox installed on my development environment and for some reason that installed without a hitch.  Is there anything that you have encountered that could be causing this problem?  Please let me know.  Thanks!





This is what the log file generated when I tried to manually install the controls using the Toolbox installer:


ISDataSource.NET 1.0.1500 control detected.
WebAqua.NET 2.0.1000 control detected.
WebCombo.NET 4.0.7200 control detected.
WebDesktop.NET 3.0.7200 control detected.
WebEssentials.NET 1.0.1000 control detected.
WebGrid.NET 7.0.7200 control detected.
WebInput.NET 4.0.7200 control detected.
WebScheduler.NET 3.0.1000 control detected.
WebTextEditor.NET 1.0.1000 control detected.
WebTreeView.NET 1.0.1500 control detected.
WebUI.NETFramework 3.0.5000 control detected.
WebUI.NETFramework 3.0.5000 control detected.
SL4 Controls detected.
WPF Controls detected.
Registering WPF controls to VS2010 toolbox
Registering ASP.NET controls to VS2010 toolbox
Initializing Visual Studio 2010 Design Time Environment.
System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException (0x80080005): Retrieving the COM class factory for component with CLSID {656D8328-93F5-41A7-A48C-B42858161F25} failed due to the following error: 80080005.
   at System.RuntimeTypeHandle.CreateInstance(RuntimeType type, Boolean publicOnly, Boolean noCheck, Boolean& canBeCached, RuntimeMethodHandle& ctor, Boolean& bNeedSecurityCheck)
   at System.RuntimeType.CreateInstanceSlow(Boolean publicOnly, Boolean fillCache)
   at System.RuntimeType.CreateInstanceImpl(Boolean publicOnly, Boolean skipVisibilityChecks, Boolean fillCache)
   at System.Activator.CreateInstance(Type type, Boolean nonPublic)
   at ToolBoxUtility.Classes.VisualStudioInstance.InitializeDTE(ToolBoxUtilityForm form)
   at ToolBoxUtility.ToolBoxUtilityForm.RegisterToolBox()
   at ToolBoxUtility.ToolBoxUtilityForm.RegisterButton_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e)

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