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b p Member
Posted: March 8, 2011 7:49 AM

Thank you!  I'll give that a try.

Thank you!  I've been checking out DevForce and their stuff looks great.

Posted: March 3, 2011 8:12 PM

Hi Yudi!

Thank you for the quick response.  I'm currently testing with a trial version of your product.  This appears to be a Silverlight XAP issue.  I did go ahead and increment the build number on the Silverlight app and that seems to fix the problem *If* the use refreshes the browser.

I guess i'm looking for more granual way to check for updates.  e.g. if a UXPage within a XAP changes is there a way to determine if the page itself is old and refresh it...versus re-loading the entire XAP via browser refresh.  Any help here would be much appreciated.

Thank you for submitting the control request.  I really appreciate it!

One last question -

How are your enterprise customers handling lists of 5,000+ records today?  If a data entry form displays a combobox of employee names.... are all 5,000 records downloaded everytime a new form is opened?  Or do they implement some sort of local caching scheme where lists are initialized at application startup and periodically refreshed.  Any help here would be much appreciated!


Thanks Jimmy.  Just to clarify, i need auto-complete to work on a data entry form.  if a user opens the form in edit mode, i need to initialize the combobox to the currently selected value.  will the UXSearchBox support this?  I didn't see any examples under the control walkthroughs that showed this scenario.

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