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Hi Ross,
Your request to have property that populated with collection of drop items before its processed is actually a good idea to accomodate common practice in MVVM concept. Therefore the development team already put this request in high priority enhancement that you can get in the next hotfix.
So in a glance the new property that you can listen to is DropItems. This DropItems property will be populated right before the internal process to update the collection, and will be resetted after ward.
In your VIewModel, you need to have something like:
public ObservableCollection<object> DropItems { get { return this._dropItems; } set { if (this._dropItems != value) { this._dropItems = value; if (this._dropItems != null) { Data data = this._dropItems[0] as Data; data.Property1 = "new string"; // you can also clear the items if needed // this._dropItems.Clear(); } this.OnPropertyChanged("DropItems"); } } }
Will notify you again when the hotfix is available.
Drop event is considered interaction in View, so you need to attached Drop event handler at UXListBox and handle it in the View if you want to intercept the drop event.
You can declare the event handler directly in XAML.
<Intersoft:UXListBox x:Name="lbMyMemberships" Drop="lbMyMemberships_Drop">
And handle it at code behind.
using Intersoft.Client.UI.Controls.Interactivity; private void lbMyMemberships_Drop(object sender, Intersoft.Client.UI.Controls.Interactivity.DragEventArgs e) { UIElement sourceElement = e.GetSourceElement(); IList<UIElement> dropElements = e.GetDropElements(); // to do }
Note that the e.GetSourceElement() , e.GetDropElements() and some other methods are extensions method. You need to import the Intersoft.Client.UI.Controls.Interactivity namespace.
Besides using direct event handler in XAML you can also handle it using EventManager. The Drop event and other related drag drop event is a routed event handler.
public MainPage() { // Required to initialize variables InitializeComponent(); ISEventManager.RegisterInstanceHandler( this.LayoutRoot, // any element in the routed path which applicable in your scenario DragDrop.DropEvent, // the routed event new Intersoft.Client.UI.Controls.Interactivity.DragEventHandler(lbMyMemberships_Drop), // the event handler true); } private void lbMyMemberships_Drop(object sender, Intersoft.Client.UI.Controls.Interactivity.DragEventArgs e) { UIElement sourceElement = e.GetSourceElement(); IList<UIElement> dropElements = e.GetDropElements(); // to do }
To learn more about handling routed events, see
Another perspective for this matter is intercepting the "Drop Event" in ViewModel. However this is limited to changes in data. For example if you drag an item from another UXListBox to this UXListBox, the itemsource collection will be changed. Therefore you can add CollectionChanged event handler at your ItemsSource collection in ViewModel and do additional tasks in that event handler.
Hope this helps
Hi Ross,This issue is a bug in Drag-Drop framework. Right-click should not initiate drag and this is the one causing the issue.
The hotfix is being prepared for this issue, you can get it on the latest hotfix release. Let me know if you encounter issue when right-click is not used.
About the UXListBox settings, you actually do not need to insert additional behavior.
<Intersoft:DropTargetBehavior AllowDropItem="True"/>
You just need the AllowDropItem="True" property. Most of drag-drop related feature is configurable directly in UXListBox, so no need to insert additional behavior.
Hi Rick,
This feature has a bug in RC version and currently being fixed.
But to make sure that we can cover your scenario i'll explained how we can achive it and there some workaround you can try on with the RC version.
From my understanding it seems that you want to bind UXDesktopDock to an hierarchical object model and want to change the settings of each UXDesktopDockButton and its StackItems.
This is do-able but not through HierarhicalDataTemplate.
HierarchicalDataTemplate is used to define template in a uniform hierarhical structure such as MenuItem and TreeViewItem ( we don't have treeview component yet, but thats the idea)
For your scenario this is what you want to do.
public class Item { public ChildrenItemCollection Children public string DisplayText public ImageSource DisplayImage } public class ChildrenItem { public string DisplayChildText public ImageSource DisplayChildImage }
then do the binding as follows:
<Grid x:Name="LayoutRoot" DataContext="{Binding Source={StaticResource SampleDataSource}}"> <Intersoft:UXDesktopDock CollectionMemberPath="Children" DisplayMemberPath="DisplayText" ImageMemberPath="DisplayImage" ItemsSource="{Binding Collection}" ItemContainerStyle="{StaticResource UXDesktopDockButtonStyle1}"/> </Grid>
This will define the first level binding (Item lvl) to create the UXDockButton.
Note that there's definition call CollectionMemberPath, this define the path to look for SubItem Collection and since our data structure use Children as its property name we specify Children for CollectionMemberPath value.
The second steps is bind the second level (SubItem lvl) to do this you need to create a style for ItemContainerStyle.
ItemContainerStyle basically provide style across all item that belong to that specific control (in this case UXDesktopDock)
<Style x:Key="UXDesktopDockButtonStyle1" TargetType="Intersoft:UXDesktopDockButton"> <Setter Property="ImageMemberPath" Value="DisplayChildImage"/> <Setter Property="StackMode" Value="GridStyle"/> </Style>
This will specify binding definition for ChildrenItem (StackItem)
Note that you can try on with ImageMemberPath in this level for RC version, the other properties such as DisplayMemberPath is not working but it will be in RTM version.
To workaround this you need to have the same property name for parent and child.
public class Item { public ChildrenItemCollection Children public string DisplayText public ImageSource DisplayImage } public class ChildrenItem { public string DisplayText public ImageSource DisplayImage }
If you have the same property name DisplayText at parent and DisplayText at children.
You do not need to specify anything at child level, since the parent - child settings will be applied (meaning if the child property isn't changed it will use the parent one)
<Style x:Key="UXDesktopDockButtonStyle1" TargetType="Intersoft:UXDesktopDockButton"> <Setter Property="FlippingEffectEnabled" Value="True"/> <Setter Property="StackMode" Value="GridStyle"/> </Style>
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