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ISData Adapter Code:
public class CustomersISDataAdapter { public CustomersISDataAdapter() { } private Customers _lastCustomers = null; public CustomersISDataCollection GetData(string sortExpression, int maximumRows, int startRowIndex) { Customers items = Customers.GetCustomers(startRowIndex, maximumRows); this._lastCustomers = items; CustomersISDataCollection dataCollection = CustomersISDataCollection.CreateISDataCollection(items); return dataCollection; } public int SelectCount(string sortExpression) { return this._lastCustomers.MaxRowIndex; } }
For some reason the GetData method is always called twice.
It's called twice when the page loads and twice everytime I page.No grid events are being handled in the code behind.
I have two questions:1) How can I stop the GetData call being made twice.2) Why does the return object of GetData need to inherit IHierarchicalList. I can do theGrid.DataSource = theCustomers, where theCustomers is of type CUstomers, and it works fine...but returning a Customers object gives an error when using the ISDataSource saying the collection must implement IHierarchicalList. This means I have to take my customer objects and add them to a special collection before I return them.
I have this almost working now.
Page Source Source:
<ISWebGrid:WebGrid ID="WebGrid2" runat="server" Height="250px" UseDefaultStyle="True" Width="500px" DataSourceID="ISDataSource1"> <LayoutSettings PagingLoadMode="Custom" PagingMode="ClassicPaging" PagingStyleUI="Slider" PagingDataRetrievalMode="ReturnPartialRows" PagingSize="20"> </LayoutSettings> <RootTable> <Columns> <ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn Name="CustomerId" Caption="Customer Id" DataMember="CustomerId" /> <ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn Name="DisplayName" Caption="Display Name" DataMember="DisplayName" Width="200"/> </Columns> </RootTable> </ISWebGrid:WebGrid> <ISDataSource:ISDataSource ID="ISDataSource1" runat="server" SchemaType="CustomObject" LoadOnDemand="true"> <Tables> <ISDataSource:ISDataSourceTable SelectMethod="GetData" SelectCountMethod="SelectCount" TableName="Customers" EnablePaging="true" TypeName="WebGridPaging.CustomersISDataAdapter" > </ISDataSource:ISDataSourceTable> </Tables> </ISDataSource:ISDataSource>
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