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Huy Member
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So How can I convert from untyped schema DataTable to ISDataTable? Can you show me a sample code? I tried but unsuccessful because lack of property in ISDataColumn, ISDataRow.



Hi Handy,

It compile error because I remove all .dll in bin folder for uploading. I listed all dll file you need. Just add reference for them.

In web.config you should change the connection string to connect to correct database.

<add name="BugTrackerConnectionString" connectionString="Data Source=HCQHUY\SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename="C:\Program Files\Intersoft Solutions\Intersoft WebUI Studio 2010 R2\Samples\For ASP.NET\ISNet.WebUI.Samples\App_Data\BugTracker.mdf";Integrated Security=True" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient"/>

For example: you should change Data Source =Yourserver;AttachDbFilename="YourPath\BugTracker.mdf".

Another thing is remove this line in web.config:

<add path="ISChart.axd" verb="GET" type="ISNet.WebUI.WebGrid.Chart.ChartRequestHandler, ISNet.WebUI.WebGrid" validate="true"/>

I attached bin file to you. Please try example again and help me as soon as possible.

Thanks and Regards,


Hi Intersoft,

I was tried to upgrade to WebGrid 7 but your example didn't work for me. When I try to expand a group, an exception appeared:

"Message":"A circular reference was detected while serializing an object of type \u0027System.Reflection.Module\u0027.","St...

I attached my sample to you.

I'm using ASP.NET 2.0 and VS2005 C#. I'm not using LINQ or ISNET LINQ DataSource, just only ADO.NET: DataSet and DataTable.

This is list dll I used in sample : Webgrid version is 7.0.7200.417 ; WebDesktop is 3.0.7200.322 ; WebCombo is 4.0.7200.232 ; System.Web.Extensions Version is 1.0.61025.0.

I'm not use ISNet.Data.Ling.dll

Another problem is the loading time for dataset with 500 rows. In my sample, I can see the progress icon loading take about 25s for just only 500 rows. Is this normal that loading webservice with 500 rows take about 25s? In my real application, I was faced to large data with more than 10.000 rows.

Please help me investigate why it couldn't run and is the webservice peformance too slow or not?



Hi Intersoft,

I'm using WebGrid 6 and I have the same issue like Scott have with large data and grouping function.

Did you add virtual group paging to webgrid 6? I think webgrid 6 and 7 are not differences too much.

Can I use service pack of Webgrid 7 for version 6? I need this function in urgent case.




I can see the problem in your video. Please take a look at the end of the movie. You are in week 25 Feb to 2 Mar. But the date is shown Tuesday, 19 Feb, 2008 - Sunday, March 02, 2008.
Sorry for take long time to replied.

Posted: April 1, 2010 10:51 PM

Hi Yudi,

New hotfix of Webscheduler include double-click on event but it didn't work in Month View and More windows of Mont View.

Please take a look and see if it is by designed or it is a bug need to be fixed.



Hi Yudi,

I've just donwload new hotfix for this issue. It is very funny that the problem did not happen in Sunday anymore but now come to the First Day of Week (For example: I set FirstDayOfWeek=Monday then click on Monday and click back to Week View rasing the issue).

The event now display correctly, but the date display near the "Back", "Forward" button is incorrect. Its shown that we are in 2 week inspite of 1.



Posted: March 23, 2010 3:24 AM

Forgive me for this dump question but where can I submit feature request for WebScheduler? (I have account in Intersoft Developer Network but in my support I can only see add new incident; no submit new feature).



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