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A Yousif Member
of 29
Posted: April 30, 2012 12:39 PM

Has this been addressed yet?  If not, why not?  This is impacting our customers since our product is in production so we need you to please escalate this if it hasn't been.


Has this been fixed in the recent fix releases?  If not, how soon can we expect a fix please?

Posted: February 15, 2012 8:39 AM

I understand.  I should have asked whether it's been added yet.  You guys need to understand that we don't request fixes and features at OUR whim.  These issues are important to our CLIENTS and need to be addressed.  We depend on you for this so please add it since it's something our clients need.  This IS a high priority for us so please make it a priority.  We also still have many outstanding items that have NOT been addressed.  What's being done about all those items?  Some are over 2 years old and only 1 maybe 2 have been addressed.

Posted: February 14, 2012 8:55 AM

Has this been fixed?

Posted: November 29, 2011 9:32 AM

Did you guys just grab the trial from the web site to install?  I noticed it's still not available in the Developer Network.  I sent Intersoft an email in regards to this.

Posted: October 14, 2011 9:05 AM

I already knew how to set the scroll position as we do that in our custom controls.  I just needed a way to do it with the grid without ALWAYS having to tinker and muck with the control for features that should already exist.

Please forward this as a feature as I shouldn't have to scroll down to the grid when a row is pre-selected when loading the grid.

Below is the solution I used which works for those that may be in the same situation we are and need help.  Unfortunately I couldn't use the grid's OnPostRender client event handler because it doesn't work (I opened another thread on this issue).

function OnPostRender(controlId,rowKeyValue)
   var bRet = true;
   var oGrid = HaveGrid(controlId);
   if (typeof oGrid=='undefined') return bRet;

   if (typeof rowKeyValue != 'undefined' && rowKeyValue != "")
         var oRow = oGrid.RootTable.GetRowByKeyValue(rowKeyValue);
         oRow.Select(); // not really needed as we do this on the server side
                        // but it's how you'd do it on client as well
         var oRowEl = oGrid.RootTable.GetElement(WG40.BODY, WG40.HTMLDIV);

         if (oRowEl != 'undefined') oRowEl.scrollTop = oRow.RowElement.offsetTop;
      catch (e) { }

   return bRet;

Note that the above OnPostRender is a custom client side handler that is registered and executed after the page loads.  In order to work correctly, it must be run delayed via setTimeout.  We use 500ms which works great.

Posted: October 13, 2011 9:02 AM

Thanks Hendrik.  I'll give the sample a try.  I did specifcially mention that we are NOT posting back so we need to accomplish this with a full page load and NOT post backs, yet your sample is using post backs.  Can you clarify that your solution will work on a full page load too before I spend any time on it?

We use the scrollTop method in our custom controls to scroll selections into view and they work great, but I need to make sure we can do it on an object, like the grid, for which we don't control the code.  Thanks again.

Hello Yudi,

I have not heard anything since our conversation almost a month ago now.  Any progress on what I had showed you?  I'm going to get back to this soon so I need to know if we have a solution please.

Posted: September 20, 2011 9:34 AM


Hello Handy,

Any word from development on getting this feature implemented and how soon please?  Thank you.

Posted: September 13, 2011 8:58 AM

Thank you Handy.  Yes, please, the behavior we need in this thread is rather urgent for us so the sooner you guys can add it the better.  I'll take a look at your sample in the meanwhile and see if there's anyway we can implement a modification of any kind right now.

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