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Melissa Rodgers Member
Posted: September 29, 2010 11:45 PM



Thank you very much for getting a status on this item.  Its what I needed to know in order to make some strategic decisions about this part of our interface.  It's unfortunate that it's such an extensive change.  I would appreciate any updates that you might get on this.


Thanks again.

Posted: September 29, 2010 11:40 PM

Hello Yudi,


I've tried that but when I go to My components in the Developer Network the version showing there for all 8 of the licenses I've purchased is 2010 R1.  It says it was updated on 8-18-2010 which is right around the time that the new release came out.  Before that date it did show the 2009 R2 version. 


Any other place I can get the 2009 R2 version?  Specifically the version before the last hotfix that went with that year.

Posted: September 29, 2010 10:35 AM

We've requested this feature around January of this year and was told it would be reviewed for feasibility but we never got a response.  I was hoping it was in the 2010 R1 release but it sounds like that is not the case.  Please submit it to be evaluated.  It is critical the the success of our project.  There is not a good workaround for this.

The only thing I can do is schedule a WebEx and conference call to show you what it's doing.  If that will work let me know and what time works best.  We are in Central Standard Time (Texas).



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