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Posted: March 25, 2010 1:15 PM

Can I also add that using javascript to add the images is perfectly acceptable if CoverFlow has client side methods to do this. I am can retrieve the URLs via AJAX no problem, I was using jQuery plugins before hand and that worked...ok, hence I am looking at this for some extra pzaz.

.ItemsSource does not exit, I have .Items instead?

The tooltip says it accepts items of INamedObject2, but surely it's actually WebCoverFlowItem?

Posted: March 16, 2010 5:02 AM


I am having the same problem except I always get just 'Loading' at the bottom. 

ASP.NET 3.5, VS2008, Windows 7 32-bit.

My code is as below:

        objl_COMBO = New ISNet.WebUI.WebCombo.WebCombo

        objl_COMBO.ID = strl_SEARCH_ON

        objl_COMBO.DataSource = <dataaset/sqldatasource/dataadaptor/datatable>


        objl_COMBO.DataTextField = <a col>

        objl_COMBO.DataValueField = <a col>

        objl_COMBO.DataMember = "DefaultView"/table name

Mark Leavesley

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