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Ganesh Nayak K Member
Hi Hans,

Thank you for your reply.

We saw the video, that u have shared there it is working as expected. But the sample when I run from my system for a fraction of second the Error page: "HTTP Error 404.0 - Not found" is displaying.

I also got the Error Page when I export from the first grid. (FrameOne.aspx) from the previous sample.

If the data binded to the grid is very large then Error Page stays for few more seconds.

In the previous shared sample when I click the Excel icon in the status bar, it opens a window with title ”WebGrid.Net Enterprise Report” and immediately opens the File download dialog with Open, Save and Save as option.

Please provide the Javascript code for the shared sample in order to close the ”WebGrid.Net Enterprise Report” window so that we can prevent the issue related to “Error page: "HTTP Error 404.0 - Not found"”.

Ganesh Nayak K
Hi Han,

Thank u so much for the Reply..

In Intersoft, Export to Excel – Unable to Export to Excel when webgrid is binded with help of webservice.

Hi Support Team,
We are facing an issue with WebGrid (7.0.7200.431 & 8.0.7200.259). When we are exporting the Grid data to ‘Excel’ file, we are getting the javascript error “Invalid Client Service Command.”

We have altered below sample file provided with the Intersoft installation to reproduce the issue.

C:\Program Files (x86)\Intersoft Solutions\Intersoft Premier Studio 2014 R1\Samples\For ASP.NET\ISNet.WebUI.Samples\vb\WebGrid\ClientBinding_WebService.aspx
To simulate please click on the export icon select ‘Excel’ then click “Export Now” button.
Check the JavaScript error, we have attached the below image files as well.
“WebGrid - JavaScript Runtime Error 1” and WebGrid – “JavaScript Runtime Error 2”

I saw the forum it is the default drawback of the clientside binding.

Can u give me the sample for exporting if the grid is binded with webservice
Hi Hans,

Thanks for the Reply..

Can u provide me the javascript code for exporting the self referenced grid data to excel.

We are facing an issue with WebGrid (7.0.7200.431 & 8.0.7200.259). When we are exporting the Self referenced Grid data to ‘Excel’ file, self referenced data is not exporting.

We have altered below sample file provided with the Intersoft installation to reproduce the issue.

C:\Program Files (x86)\Intersoft Solutions\Intersoft Premier Studio 2014 R1\Samples\For ASP.NET\ISNet.WebUI.Samples\vb\WebGrid\SelfReferencingGrid.aspx

To simulate please click on the export icon select ‘Excel’ then click “Export Now” button.
Open exported file, see only Root row is exported.

Ganesh Nayak K

Thank u for your reply...

I want to open the print dialog box after Data exported in form of HTML. In current scenario print dialog box opens before exporting itself..

Can u share me the javascript code for handling the print functionality...

Thanks in advance

Ganesh Nayak K
Hi Hans,

Thanks for the reply.
I saw the above link, I want to know how to export the child table using javascript i.e. how to pass the parent row parameter in ExportGrid javascript function.
Give me some sample for the Exporting Child table data using "ExportGrid" javascript function.

Waiting for your reply..

Thanks and Regards,
Ganesh Nayak K

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