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Cameron Haley Member
Posted: August 5, 2011 12:42 PM

Hi Riendy,

The first thing I tried to do was create a cell template that contained an AjaxHoverMenuExtender, a Hyperlink (ie. "hLink1"), and a Panel (ie "Pnl1").  Inside of the panel, I add a dynamic number of hyperlinks as necessary for each cell.  Witht he AjaxHoverMenuExtender, I set the TargetControlID = "hLink1" and I set the PopupControlID = "pnl1".  If you do this anywhere outside the WebGrid, it will work perfectly.  However, when I add a Panel to the cell, I end up with nothing.  I'm attaching an image of what I would like to accomplish.

I'm in the process of trying to do this with JavaScript outside of the AjaxToolkit, but I'm still running into issues.

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