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Arief Handany Member
of 20
Posted: January 25, 2016 6:54 AM

Hi Thomas,

I already inform your feedback to our developer, regarding BarcodeScan cancel returned result, but he may need to discuss regarding the implementation. Feel free to ask us regarding the fix schedule in this thread or preferably in our chat room.

Best Regards,

Hi Giridhar

1. You can't since it's flow layout. But you can adjust the item size appropriately until it fits to your desire.
2. You can change it in your UICollectionViewCell here is the methods: open your Collection cell view in your xib editor, assign id to your main view, open your UICollectionViewCell, in your method Awake Nib assign new CGSize with your desired height and width to your this.YourID.Frame. 
3. You can use BindableProperties.StyleAttributesProperty which you can find the example here, please note that it only use foreground and strikethrough, but you can assign background or any other option based on your specification
4. Look like i need to check your code, because based on my test, i can sucessfully trigger button click

Best Regards,
Posted: January 25, 2016 2:33 AM

Hi Thomas,

Here is the sample!125&authkey=!AF3E_Nk_b_9Lekw&ithint=file%2czip, I also attached the hotfix + Crosslight4_0_5000_327 to the sample that I send it to you.

As per my test, both Android and iOS (I actually test both drawer and tabbed) navigated is working well if the problem still persists I may need your project, simple sample, or can you describe your implementation.

As far as I discussed with our developer, as long as you override our method in code and have both respective fragment and viewcontroller, I should be always working.

Please note that is better to delete bin and obj folder in your iOS after applying new bugfix because there are known bug in Xamarin Studios that makes clean sometimes doesn't work.

Yes because it is an unofficial hotfix, I can only give those two files. The rest most likely be buggy because subjected to Crosslight 5 changes, sorry for the inconvenience!

Posted: January 22, 2016 6:28 AM

Hi Thomas,

Recently we stumble upon tabbed navigation bug in form builder, looks like it is already fixed in our unofficial hotfix which you can download it here:, and here is the thread if you are interested:

I already test both android and ios using the hotfix and this hotfix will be shipped with Crosslight 5, hope this will help! 

Best Regards,


Hello Giridhar,

I will ask our developer the method to achieve your specification, stay tune!

Hi Giridhar, 

You can't set form builder height and width, however you can create your own form builder extension which can be seen in this article:

In your case however because you want to add things in your header and footer you can simply create new view to be set in your header and footer, you can download the sample in the bottom (please check ) (this sample also contain all of your specification of your needs)

I also attach the unofficial hotfix for CROS-985 & CROS-986, hope this will helps!

Hi Giridhar,

I'm successfully replicating the issue, I will inform this issue to our developer under CROS-985 and CROS-986. I will inform you if there are further news regarding this issues.

Best Regards,

Posted: December 14, 2015 7:09 AM

Hi Thomas,

I also don't aware with the "Scan" overload haha..., I blame this to our sneaky developer though ;)

Feel free to ask us if you have more questions!

Posted: December 11, 2015 4:02 AM

Hi Thomas,

For the first issue i think it is because your forget to uncomment the sample it should be like this:
//Task<string> result = service.Scan();
// Task<string> result = service.Scan(options);
Task<string> result = service.Scan(format);   
// Task<string> result = service.Scan("Header Text","Footer Text",format);  

Can you send us the barcode that resulting in 00000000, maybe i can help test and inform it to our developer. As far as i know usually this kind of thing happening because different density in each barcode, more density means more time to extract information.

Hope that his will helps!

Hi Giridhar,

Yes your method is already on point,

Here is how to pass value between ViewModel:

First of all, you actually don't need to pass all the list items, you only need to pass the on that user choose, if you are using form you can see that all the value are stored in here:

public class YourFormViewModel: EditorViewModelBase<SearchParameter>    {
        public YourFormViewModel()
	     // you can access all of your user input in this.Item which can be called anywhere 

Here is the inside of my SearchParameter (this just an example you don't need to copy exactly like mine)

    public class SearchParameter : ModelBase
private Category _category;
private SubCategory _subCategory;
private TeamDetail _teamDetail

public Category Category
{ get { return _category; } set { if (_category!= value) { _category= value; OnPropertyChanged("Category"); } } } public SubCategory SubCategory
{ get { return _subCategory; } set { if (_subCategory!= value) { _subCategory= value; OnPropertyChanged("SubCategory"); } } } public TeamDetail TeamDetail 
{ get { return _teamDetail; } set { if (_teamDetail!= value) { _teamDetail= value; OnPropertyChanged("TeamDetail"); } } } }

here is my SubCategorySelectionViewModel:

public class SubCategorySelectionViewModel : ListViewModelBase<Category>
      public override async void Navigated(NavigatedParameter parameter)
         if (parameter.Sender is SearchFormViewModel){
           YourFormViewModel viewModel = parameter.Sender as YourFormViewModel;
//If you use DataListViewModel and query definition you can simply use this //this.ViewQuery = viewModel.Item.Category.Id; //If you use ListViewModel you can use this: //QueryDescriptor queryDescriptor = new QueryDescriptor(); //SelectParameter selectParameter = new SelectParameter(); //selectParameter.QueryDescriptor = queryDescriptor; //var searchResult = await this.SubCategoryRepositort.GetAllAsync(selectParameter); //searchResult = searchResult.where(x => x.Id == viewModel.Item.Category.Id).ToList() } base.Navigated(parameter); //all of this must be done before base! } }

So the passing value actually happening in the parent ViewModel, this way you only need to obtain what customer choose rather all of the list.

Hope that will helps!

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