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Anup Vasudeva Member

Hi Handy,

I have used SetText method and changed the text statically from English --> Dutch.

But when i select the Group(Dutch Version), it doesn't Group the rows.

Even i retested it , it still pops me with the javascript error. And when i click the header , it doesn't shows me the menu.

Kindly assist me in this situation. i am really having hard time solving this issue.

Thanks in advance

Have a good day.

Anup Vasudeva

Thanks for the reply. It really helped.

Following your direction, i changed the menu entirely from English to Dutch.

In English menu, when we group the rows using the "group By This Field", correspondingly it shows "Ungroup" option.

But when i converted the menu into Dutch, the "group By This Field" menu item is not working.

Instead it shows the following error:

Error: v25525 is null
Source File: http://localhost/InterSoftGridDemo/ISRes.axd?F/ISCore.js/305000751

Line: 7.

Also the WebGrid seems not be compatible with IE8. For example, the Header Menu doesnot pops up on the click of it.  Plus when i run the website, it immediately shows me javascript runtime (javascript.body(..)) error.

Please assist me in solving this issue.

Thanks in advance.

Have a good day.

Anup Vasudeva.

Thanks a lot for the reply. It worked for me.

But i didn't unterstand the logic behind the scenes.

1). How exactly the parameters are being sent?
2). What values do they possess. I tried using alert(...), but it outputs like [object WebGridCol]
3). What is "menuSorAsc" provided as a parameter in GetNamedItem(...)?

Plz assist me in this.

Thanks in advance.

Good day.

Anup Vasudeva

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