WebUI Studio 2009 SP1 Refresh and Official Hotfix Released

10 replies. Last post: January 15, 2010 10:59 AM by Shawn August
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Erika Moderator

The latest build of the following products have been released as official hotfix:

  • Presenter 1.0.1000.6
  • ISDataSource 1.0.1500.210
  • WebAqua 2.0.1000.219
  • WebCombo 4.0.7200.217
  • WebDesktop 3.0.7200.305
  • WebGrid 7.0.7200.306
  • WebInput 3.0.7200.216
  • WebScheduler 2.0.1000.221
  • WebTextEditor 1.0.1000.6
  • WebTreeView 1.0.1500.217
  • WebGrid 6.0.7200.218
  • WebUI Framework 3.0.5000.705

The above build version are also included in the WebUI Studio 2009 SP1 Refresh installer released today. You can download the installer in My Components of your TDN account. It is recommended that you install this version, as it includes some critical enhancements and fixes. You can read the complete version history in Intersoft Support Site and SP1 Refresh Release Notes in the following link.

As usual, please mark your post as answered if the hotfix includes the fix to your bug report. Thank you.

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