Can not save new Item in the Server Database

1 reply. Last post: February 11, 2015 10:19 AM by Yudi
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Max RiffelMember


im using the Crosslight Enterprise Data Synchronization. My Database is in iis, not express. I can see the items in the Crosslight App in Android 5.0, but it dont work in Android 4.x?  After 15 sec., when the synchronization starts, the App will close without any errors. Same in emulator. The tables I synchronize have about 4000 rows.

The synchronization works on Android 5.0. But I cant edit an new item into the database on the server. If I create new Item in the App, it will apear in the list it is also created in the SQLite database. But when I look in the database from the server after the synchronization, the item is not insered. I try to debug from the WebApi side. After editing the new Item this function triggers.

 [HttpPost]        public SynchronizationResult SynchronizeChanges(MultipartData saveBundle)        {            return db.SynchronizeChanges(saveBundle);

In the saveBundle I can see the new item with right timestamp and so on. I tried everything. What can it be? Where should I search the mistake?

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    "Tag": null


BG Max

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