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I need to change orientation of menu items to be horizontal. I using UXMenu. Is it possible? I check different solutions with template and styles but not found way how to present items horizontally in one line (like in UXMenuBar).
My scenario is two levels menu needed. First level is UXMenuBar (its fine) and second level (here problem) should be also horizontal and one line presented and should popup on mouse over like typical menu.
You may try to add another UXMenuBar as the sub-menu as shown in the following snippet code.
<Intersoft:UXMenuBar x:Name="MenuBar1" OpenSubMenuOnMouseOver="True" > <Intersoft:UXMenuItem Header="_Menu1"> <Intersoft:UXMenuBar> <Intersoft:UXMenuItem Header="_SubMenu1" /> <Intersoft:UXMenuItem Header="SubM_enu2" /> </Intersoft:UXMenuBar> </Intersoft:UXMenuItem> <Intersoft:UXMenuItem Header="_Menu2"> <Intersoft:UXMenuBar> <Intersoft:UXMenuItem Header="_SubMenu3" /> <Intersoft:UXMenuItem Header="SubM_enu4" /> </Intersoft:UXMenuBar> </Intersoft:UXMenuItem> </Intersoft:UXMenuBar>
The result looks like the following screenshot.
Please let us know whether this helps or not.
Yudi, yes this is what I`m looking for instead of one thing, I need to bind it from MVVM collection, in this case MenuItems may not be presented declaratively.
I have an idea to load the menu items on demand (maybe by utilizing SelectedItem property) and put the child UXMenuBar as DataTemplate. However, I will need more time to test the feasibility of this.
I will get back to you with the result as soon as possible.
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