
16 replies. Last post: February 16, 2011 6:26 PM by Ross Santos
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Ross SantosMember


I have the following:

                    <Intersoft:FieldLabel Header="Home Phone" HeaderPosition="Top" HeaderForeground="White">

                        <Intersoft:UXMaskedInput x:Name="tbxHomePhone" Width="101" Value="{Binding CurrentParticipantPhone.HomePhone, Mode=TwoWay,  NotifyOnValidationError=True}" EditMask="(###) ###-####" IsSaveLiteral="False" IsSaveMask="False" DisplayMode="EditMask" />


I've tried the mask of (999) 000-0000 as well.  No matter what I do, the bound value doesn't display until I click on the control.  All I see is the EditMask itself.  I've set DisplayMode to Value but that doesn't appear either.  The value is coming from a string column in a database that is connected via IdeaBlade DevForce.  The value in the database column is 5555551212 which should appear as (555) 555-1212.
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