UXListBox DragEvent

4 replies. Last post: January 14, 2011 10:19 AM by Ross Santos
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Ross SantosMember

After reviewing the documentation, I was still unclear how I could intercept a Drop event in an MVVM environment.  Does anyone know how this can be done?  Below is my UXListBox.

                    <Intersoft:UXListBox x:Name="lbMyMemberships" ItemsSource="{Binding OCMyMemberships, Mode=TwoWay}" SelectedItem="{Binding CurrentMyMemberships, Mode=TwoWay}" Margin="2" Height="331" ImageMemberPath="IconName" DisplayMemberPath="Description" AllowDropItem="True" AllowMoveItem="True" AllowRemoveItem="False" ItemContentType="ContentAndImage" ItemImageHeight="32" ItemImageWidth="32" ItemImageStretch="Fill" Style="{StaticResource UXListBoxTransparentStyle}" >


                            <Intersoft:DropTargetBehavior AllowDropItem="True"/>





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