UXDock problem

5 replies. Last post: July 23, 2010 11:43 AM by Jimmy Petrus
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I am trying to use UXDock inside the ClientUIApplication MainPage.xaml. What I would like to do is to have the UXDock on the right hand side in one of the grid elements (Dock="Right"). I have managed to create the dock element and it seems to work.

However, when I attempt to put a sub-menu using the UXDockButton with the StackMode="GridStyle" and within that put in UXNavigationButton elements I am finding it impossible to use the NavigateURI attribute on the UXNavigationButton. It keeps erroring out or is not able to launch one of my view pages.

Here is the fragment:

<Intersoft:UXDockButton Content="Master Files" Icon="/JTS2;component/Assets/Images/CustomersFolder.png" StackMode="GridStyle" TextImageRelation="ImageAboveText"> <Intersoft:UXNavigationButton Content="Test" Icon="/JTS2;component/Assets/Images/Home.png" GlassBackground="Azure" IsDefaultNavigationSource="True" TextImageRelation="ImageAboveText" IsToggleButton="False" NavigateUri=""/> <Intersoft:UXNavigationButton Content="Company" Icon="/JTS2;component/Assets/Images/my_contacts.png" TextImageRelation="ImageAboveText" IsToggleButton="False" NavigateUri="/CompanyView.xaml" /> <Intersoft:UXNavigationButton Content="Designations" Icon="/JTS2;component/Assets/Images/notepad.png" NavigateUri="/DesignationView" TextImageRelation="ImageAboveText" IsToggleButton="False" /> </Intersoft:UXDockButton> I am attempting to launch the page inside the UXFrame which has the UriMapper in it (as per the normal example that has been provided)

Please could you let me know what I am doing incorrectly



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