Problem with binding UXCurrencyEditor

2 replies. Last post: June 19, 2012 12:58 AM by Yudi
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B FarahaniMember
Hi, I have this line of code:  

 <Intersoft:UXCurrencyEditor EditMask="#0.00" UseEditMaskAsDisplayMask="True" Culture="nl-NL" Value="{Binding SelectedItem.Quantity, Mode=TwoWay}"  Height="24" Width="165"/>

The problem is that the control works fine without any problem when the Value property is not binded to any field. But as soon as I bind it, it does not work at all. Sometimes it shows the value, soemtimes it doesn't and ...

Changing the control to a normal UXTextbox, everything would be fine, I just do not have the proposed mask. Any idea?

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