Error in UXAccordion

3 replies. Last post: November 15, 2011 3:55 AM by Yudi
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Seems to me that the ItemContainerStyle is apply wrong to the UXAccordionOption instead of UXAccordionItem. I have the next styles in my UXPage

<Intersoft:UXPage.Resources> <Style x:Key="UXOptionStyle" TargetType="Intersoft:UXAccordionOption"> <Setter Property="ContentType" Value="Content"/> <Setter Property="TextImageRelation" Value="ImageBeforeText"/> </Style> <Style x:Key="UXItemStyle" TargetType="Intersoft:UXAccordionItem"> <Setter Property="ContentType" Value="ContentAndImage"/> <Setter Property="TextImageRelation" Value="ImageBeforeText"/> <Setter Property="SelectedItem" Value="{Binding SelectedInfoVista, Mode=TwoWay}"/> </Style>

And the next UXAccordion

<Intersoft:UXAccordion SelectionMode="One" ItemsSource="{Binding ServicioVistas.Grupos}" ItemContainerStyle="{StaticResource UXOptionStyle}" DisplayMemberPath="Nombre" ImageMemberPath="UriImagen" CollectionMemberPath="Vistas" OptionDisplayMemberPath="Nombre" OptionImageMemberPath="UriImagen" OptionContainerStyle="{StaticResource UXItemStyle}"> </Intersoft:UXAccordion>

You can ask to me Why I assign the UXOptionStyle to ItemContainerStyle and the UXItemStyle to OptionContainerStyle?. Well this the unique way that ClientUi accep to to me (by error i guess).

However The UXAccordionOption is applying the style but the UXAccordionItem IS NOT applying the style.



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