We’re pleased to announce the immediate availability of WebUI Studio 2010 service pack 1, the most significant updates to our flagship suite since its initial release few months ago. The new service pack delivers hundreds of enhancements and dozens of fixes across all product lineups – thanks to our customers for the continuous support and feedback.

Click here to view the complete release notes for WebUI Studio 2010 service pack 1.

All existing customers and prospects are highly recommended to download the new service pack for increased performance, reliability and stability. Click here to download the latest product installer.

And here's the best part, the new release includes a comprehensive MSDN-style product documentation for the Silverlight and WPF lineups, packing in over 150 new walkthroughs and how-to topics, and over 80 conceptual topics that cover fundamental topics such as MVVM pattern development, application framework, navigation framework, and much more – not to mention the documentation for over 4500 classes, types and members at the class library level along with complimentary examples and remarks. Learn more here.

We hope you enjoyed this new release!

- Intersoft Team