BUB: GridView FREEZES when using Custom Devforce Verifiers

6 replies. Last post: June 16, 2011 9:29 PM by Jimmy Petrus
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The GridView control freezes when you add more than 1 member name to a custom verifier trigger.  See attached project (VS 2010).

  1. Extract Project and Open ClientUIDataApp2
  2. Compile and Run
  3. Navigate to Products Page
  4. Edit Product Name "Chang" in first row.
  5. Add 3 characters to end of name to trigger validation error (eg. "chang111")
  6. Tab off field or click off record.
  7. GridView FREEZES UP.

More Info:

See Products.cs in ClientUIDataApp2.DomainModel project to see implemenation of ProductName verifier.  The offending line of code is in bold below:

 public static Verifier ProductNameVerifier()
                string Description = "CUSTOM Product Name Verifier: Product Name cannot be 8 characters long.";
                DelegateVerifier<ClientUIDataApp2.DomainModel.Product> v = new DelegateVerifier<Product>(Description, ProductNameCondition);

                // BUG: GridView freezes when more than 1 member names are added to verification trigger     
                v.AddTriggers(Product.PropertyMetadata.ProductName.Name, Product.PropertyMetadata.UnitPrice.Name);

                // NOTE: this works but limits muti-field trigger.
                // v.AddTriggers(Product.PropertyMetadata.ProductName.Name);

                v.VerifierOptions.ExecutionModes = VerifierExecutionModes.InstanceAndOnAfterSetTriggers;
                return v;


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