Intersoft ClientUI Documentation
Intersoft.Client.UI.ScheduleView Namespace
Inheritance Hierarchy
ClassColorConverter Converts string to solid color brush.
ClassContainerVisibilityConverter Hides empty panel.
ClassDeleteRecurringEventInfoTextConverter Converts recurring info text.
ClassEventAlignmentConverter Converts event alignment based on visibility.
ClassEventDateRangeConverter Converts event date range.
ClassImportanceConverter Converts int to importance mode value.
ClassNullVisibilityConverter Converts null to visibility.
ClassScheduleViewCommands Provides commands related to schedule view.
ClassScheduleViewEventStyleSelector Represents a event style selector class which is used to select a style based on type.
ClassScheduleViewItemCommands Provides commands related to schedule view item.
ClassScheduleViewListCommands Provides commands related to schedule view list.
ClassUXScheduleDayView Represents a schedule day view control with MVVM binding support, rich data presentation features, and highly customizable settings.
ClassUXScheduleDayViewAllDayEventLayout Used within the template of a UXScheduleDayView to specify the location in the control's visual tree where the events are to be added.
ClassUXScheduleDayViewAllDayEventLayoutPresenter Used within the template of a UXScheduleDayView to specify the location in the control's visual tree where the events are to be added.
ClassUXScheduleDayViewCell Represents an individual UXScheduleDayView cell.
ClassUXScheduleDayViewCellsPresenter Used within the template of a UXScheduleDayView to specify the location in the control's visual tree where the cells are to be added.
ClassUXScheduleDayViewCellTime Represents an individual UXScheduleDayView time cell.
ClassUXScheduleDayViewEventsPresenter Used within the template of a UXScheduleDayView to specify the location in the control's visual tree where the events are to be added.
ClassUXScheduleDayViewItem Represents an individual UXScheduleDayView item.
ClassUXScheduleDayViewList Represents an individual UXScheduleDayView list.
ClassUXScheduleMonthView Represents a schedule month view control with MVVM binding support, rich data presentation features, and highly customizable settings.
ClassUXScheduleMonthViewCell Represents an individual UXScheduleMonthView cell.
ClassUXScheduleMonthViewDayOfWeekHeader Represents day of week header for UXScheduleMonthView.
ClassUXScheduleMonthViewItem Represents an individual UXScheduleMonthView item.
ClassUXScheduleMonthViewList Represents an individual UXScheduleMonthView list.
ClassUXScheduleMonthViewMoreItemsList Represents a list control that displays a collection of UXScheduleViewEvent.
ClassUXScheduleView Represents a schedule view control with MVVM binding support, rich data presentation features, and highly customizable settings.
ClassUXScheduleViewBase Represents a base class schedule view control.
ClassUXScheduleViewCalendar Represents a calendar control that for schedule view.
ClassUXScheduleViewCategoriesList Represents a list control that displays a collection of UXScheduleViewCategoriesListItem.
ClassUXScheduleViewCategoriesListItem Represents an individual UXScheduleView category item.
ClassUXScheduleViewCategoryModel Represents the category model.
ClassUXScheduleViewCellBase Represents a base class schedule view cell control.
ClassUXScheduleViewContextMenu Represents the context menu control for UXScheduleView.
ClassUXScheduleViewDataManager Provides manager to manage the events data.
ClassUXScheduleViewEditingFormViewModel Represents the extenable editing form view model.
ClassUXScheduleViewEvent Represents a UXScheduleView event.
ClassUXScheduleViewEventDetail Represents the event detail control for UXScheduleView.
ClassUXScheduleViewEventModel Represents the event model.
ClassUXScheduleViewFilterGroupArgs Provides data for grouping event.
ClassUXScheduleViewGroup Represents an individual UXScheduleViewGroup.
ClassUXScheduleViewGroupCollection Represents an observable collection of group item.
ClassUXScheduleViewGroupHeader Represents an individual UXScheduleViewGroupHeader.
ClassUXScheduleViewGroupItem Represents an individual UXScheduleViewGroupItem.
ClassUXScheduleViewGroupStyleSelector Represents a group style selector class which is used to select a style based on type.
ClassUXScheduleViewHeaderButton Represents UXScheduleView header button.
ClassUXScheduleViewInteractiveData Represents UXScheduleView interactive data.
ClassUXScheduleViewItemBase Represents a base class schedule view item control.
ClassUXScheduleViewListBase Represents a base class schedule view list control.
ClassUXScheduleViewMonthModel Represents the month model.
ClassUXScheduleViewNavigationButton Represents UXScheduleView navigation button.
ClassUXScheduleViewPanel Used within the template of a UXScheduleView to specify the location in the control's visual tree where the events are to be added.
ClassUXScheduleViewRecurrenceInfo Represents the recurrence info model.
ClassUXScheduleViewReminderModel Represents the month model.
ClassUXScheduleViewResource Represents the localized string resource used in UXGridView.
ClassUXScheduleViewResourceModel Represents the resource model.
ClassUXScheduleViewResourcesList Represents a list control that displays a collection of UXScheduleViewResourceListItem.
ClassUXScheduleViewResourcesListItem Represents an individual UXScheduleView resource item.
ClassUXScheduleWeekView Represents a schedule week view control with MVVM binding support, rich data presentation features, and highly customizable settings.
ClassUXScheduleWorkWeekView Represents a schedule work week view control with MVVM binding support, rich data presentation features, and highly customizable settings.
EnumerationGroupByMode Specifies the group by mode.
EnumerationGroupInterval Specifies the group interval mode.
EnumerationImportanceMode Specifies the importance mode of an event.
EnumerationInsertKeyMode Specifies the key mode to insert an event.
EnumerationInteractiveAction Specifies the action mode during interactive editing.
EnumerationRecurrenceMode Specifies the recurrence mode of the event
EnumerationRecurrenceRangeMode Specifies the recurrence range mode of the event
See Also


Intersoft.Client.UI.ScheduleView Assembly

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