Intersoft Support Center

Assign Tooltip

There are three objects that can have tooltip: the node's text, the node's image and node's text image.

This topic will show how to customize tooltip using several ways.

To assign Tooltip using WebTreeView DataBindings Editor

  1. Bind WebTreeView to XMLDataSource. (Use Sample.xml)
  2. Open WebTreeView DataBindings Editor.
  3. To configure the node's text tooltip, set the ToolTipField property.
  4. To configure the node image's tooltip, set the ImageToolTipField property.
  5. To configure the text image's tooltip, set the TextImageToolTipField property.
  6. Run the project.

To assign Tooltip using predefineds Tooltip's fields

  1. Bind WebTreeView to XMLDataSource. (Use Sample.xml)
  2. Open WebTreeView DataBindings Editor.
  3. To configure the node's text tooltip, set the ToolTip property.
  4. To configure the node image's tooltip, set the ImageToolTip property.
  5. To configure the text image's tooltip, set the TextImageToolTip property.
  6. Run the project.

To assign Tooltip using InitializeNode server-side event

  1. Bind WebTreeView to XMLDataSource. (Use Sample.xml)
  2. Put the following code in InitializeNode server-side event to assign tooltip.
    C# Copy ImageCopy Code
    protected void WebTreeView3_InitializeNode(object sender, ISNet.WebUI.WebTreeView.WebTreeViewNodeEventArgs e)
       e.Node.ToolTip = "ToolTip [Assigned from server side during InitializeNode]";
       e.Node.ImageToolTip = "Image ToolTip [Assigned from server side during InitializeNode]";
       e.Node.TextImageToolTip = "TextImage ToolTip [Assigned from server side during InitializeNode]";

  3. Run the project.
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