Intersoft Support Center

Enable Toolbar Merging

If you have a main WebToolBar in a page and an IFrame that has its own WebToolBar, you can merge both WebToolBar.

This topic will show you how to merge WebToolBar.

To configure ToolBar Merging

  1. Create a parent page, for example : ParentWindow.aspx.
  2. In ParentWindow.aspx, drag PlaceHolderManager from ToolBox into WebForm.
  3. Drag WebToolBar from ToolBox into the PlaceHolderManager. Set the ID property to WebToolBar1.
  4. In Commands property, add ToolCommand Collection in ToolCommand Collection Editor. Click here for further information on how to define a ToolCommand. Add three Button ToolCommand (New, Open, Save) in ToolCommand Collection Editor. Set the sequence of the ToolCommands like the screenshots below.

  5. In Properties window, set DockingArea property to Top.
  6. Create another page, for example : childWindow.aspx.
  7. In childWindow.aspx, drag WebToolBar from ToolBox into WebForm. Set the ID of the WebToolBar as WebToolBarChild1.
  8. In Commands property, add ToolCommand Collection in ToolCommand Collection Editor. Add two Button ToolCommand (Help, LicenseAgreement).


  9. In Properties window, set the MergeToolBar property to True.
  10. Go back to ParentWindow.aspx, add an IFrame and set the source property to childWindow.aspx.

    <iframe src="childWindow.aspx" style="display: none;"></iframe>

  11. Right click on PlaceHolderManager control and choose Properties.
  12. Set EnableMergeBar to True.
  13. Run the project. The WebToolBar from another page (ChildWindow.aspx)is merged and added into the PlaceHolderManager in this Page.

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