Intersoft Support Center

Use SpellChecker on ASP.NET TextBox

WebSpellChecker provides a method to implement spell checker with WebDialogBox.

In this topic, you will learn how to implement spell checker.

To implement spell checker with WebDialogBox

  1. Create a div and HTML button.
  2. Drag WebSpellChecker control to WebForm.
  3. Set WebSpellChecker's TargetControlId property to the DIV's id.
  4. Set the DIV's text/value property. Since the content of DIV is stored in innerHTML property, then set TargetControlIdValue property to innerHTML for WebSpellChecker to be able to function properly.
  5. Create a function called AddSpellChecker() and use CheckSpell() method to implement spell checker.
    JavaScript Copy Code
    function CheckSpell()
       var sp = ISGetObject("WebSpellChecker1");    

  6. Invoke AddSpellChecker() from the HTML button.

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