Intersoft Support Center

Display Action Context Menu

This tutorial demonstrates how to use Action context menu in WebNotification. Action context menu provides a way for end users to access a list of available actions and perform an action against notification event.

  1. Drag WebNotification control from ToolBox into the WebForm.

  2. Create a WebService page in the same directory and name it "NotificationService.asmx". It will automatically create "NotificationService.cs" in the App_code folder. WebNotification control will look for GetNotifications method in the WebService. Use the following code for GetNotifications method:

    C# Copy Code
    public WebNotificationEventCollection GetNotifications(WebNotificationEventArgs e)
       WebNotificationEventCollection collection = new WebNotificationEventCollection();        
       WebNotificationEvent evnt = new WebNotificationEvent();
       evnt.CaptionText = "Samples";        
       evnt.ContentText = "Hello world from WebNotification!\nCurrent time is:" + DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString();
       collection.Notifications = new WebNotificationEvent[] { evnt };        
       return collection;

  3. Open WebNotification Designer and set the following properties of WebNotification control:

    Properties Values
    ServiceType WebService
    ServiceUrl NotificationService.asmx
    ShowActionDropdown True

  4. Add some menu items in Items property and specify a function name for OnClick event.

  5. Add function doClick() that represents OnClick event:

    JavaScript Copy Code
    function doClick(mi)
       alert("Clicked : " + mi.Name);

  6. Run the page. Menu items will be displayed when Action context menu is clicked.

    When the menu item is clicked, an alert box will be displayed.

Alerting Event with WebNotification

Theming UI with WebStyleManager

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