Intersoft Support Center

Use WebInput with WebFlyPostBackManager

WebInput can be integrated with WebFlyPostBackManager.

This topic will show you how to use WebInput with WebFlyPostBackManager.

To use WebInput with WebFlyPostBackManager

  1. Drag WebInput and WebFlyPostBackManager controls to the WebForm.
  2. Right-click on WebFlyPostBackManager control and choose Properties.
  3. Set EnableUIMode to True. Notice that in FlyPostBackSettings, PostInputControls and PostViewState properties are automatically set to True.
  4. Set ServiceUrl to the page itself.
  5. Right-click on WebInput control and choose Properties.
  6. Set AutoPostback to True and PostBackMode to FullPostBack.
  7. Put the following code in WebButton's Clicked server-side event in order to display text in WebInput.
    C# Copy ImageCopy Code
    protected void WebButton1_Clicked(object sender, ISNet.WebUI.WebDesktop.WebButtonClickedEventArgs e)
       WebInput1.Text = "Hello World";
       WebInput1.RequiresUIRefresh = true;

  8. Run the project.
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