Intersoft WebGrid Documentation
ISNet.WebUI.WebGrid.Chart Namespace
See Also  Inheritance Hierarchy Send Feedback


ClassChartAreaTypeSettings Specifies available areas series chart type for the end-user.
ClassChartAxisSettings Controls all axis appearance displayed in the WebGridChart.
ClassChartBackgroundSettings Defines the background filling and frame applied to objects.
ClassChartBackplaneStyle Represents the style of appearance which defines the backplane of an object.
ClassChartBarTypeSettings Specifies available bar series chart type for the end-user.
ClassChartBevelAndEmbossImageFilterSettings This effect is different than the bevel and emboss filter applied in Photoshop, because it works by combining three samples of the image - original, highlight and dark.
The different types of the bevel and emboss define on how these images are combined.
ClassChartBlurImageFilterSettings Controls the blur effect of WebGridChart's image.
ClassChartColorFillStyle Represents a solid color filling.
ClassChartColumnTypeSettings Specifies available column series chart type for the end-user.
ClassChartConfig Defines methods to be used to generate chart image in WebGrid 6.0+.
ClassChartDataLabelStyle Controls the appearance of a data point label.
ClassChartDataManager Controls the data processing procedure.
ClassChartDoughnutTypeSettings Specifies available doughnut series chart type for the end-users.
ClassChartEmptyDataPointsStyle Controls the appearance of the empty data points. An instance of this class is attached to every series.
ClassChartFilterDataSettings Filter data settings.
ClassChartFontStyle Represents a font style.
ClassChartFrameStyle Controls the frame style.
ClassChartGlowImageFilterSettings Controls the glow effect.
ClassChartGradientFillStyle Represents a gradient filling.
ClassChartHatchFillStyle Represents a hatch filling.
ClassChartImageFillStyle Represents an image based filling.
ClassChartImageFilterSettings Base class for all image filters.
ClassChartImageFrameStyle Represents a vector image frame around an object.
ClassChartInteractiveStyle Controls the properties related to the interactivity behavior of the object which it is attached to. These properties include tooltips, mouse cursor and URL to redirect the browser to when a user clicks on the chart image map.
ClassChartInteractiveUISettings Controls ChartInteractiveUI(PivotCharting) settings.
ClassChartLabelSettings This object represents a label.
ClassChartLegendDataSettings Controls chart legend data layout.
ClassChartLegendSettings Controls Chart Legend appearance in WebGridChart.
ClassChartLegendTitle Controls the legend header and legend footer appearance.
ClassChartLightingImageFilterSettings Controls lighting filter effect. This effect is achieved by creating a bump based on the original image alpha values and then lighting calculations are performed for each pixel in the image.
ClassChartLightModelSettings Controls the light effects applied to a 3D scene. It allows you to enable or disable the scene lighting, to load predefined light schemes and to control global light properties as well as give access to the collection of light sources.
ClassChartLightSourceCollection Represents the collection of ChartLightSourceSettings.
ClassChartLineTypeSettings Specifies available line series chart type for the end-user.
ClassChartMarginValue Represents a margin value.
ClassChartMaterialStyle Represent a Material Style.
ClassChartPieTypeSettings Specifies available  pie series chart type for the end-user.
ClassChartPivotDataConfigCollection Represents the collection of ChartPivotDataConfig.
ClassChartPivotFilterConfigCollection Represents the collection of ChartPivotFilterConfig.
ClassChartPointValue Represents a point, defined as an ordered pair of lengths (X, Y), which controls the coordinate in two dimensional space.
ClassChartProjectionSettings Controls the scene viewing parameters, such as: camera position, zoom, projection type, etc.
ClassChartRequestHandler Controls the request handler of the chart image.
ClassChartScaleGridStyle Controls the grid lines displayed by the axis at the chart walls.
ClassChartScaleLabelAngleValue Represents the angel value of the scale's label.
ClassChartScaleLabelStyle Specifies the style of the scale's label.
ClassChartScaleTitleStyle Specifies the title ot the scale.
ClassChartSeriesAreaSettings Controls the styles and behaviors for area series chart type.
ClassChartSeriesBarSettings Controls the styles and behaviors for bar series chart type.
ClassChartSeriesBubbleSettings Controls the styles and behaviors for bubble series chart type.
ClassChartSeriesColorCollection The collection of color sequence used in the series.
ClassChartSeriesColorCollectionSettings Controls the collection of color sequence used in the series.
ClassChartSeriesColumnSettings Controls the styles and behaviors for column series chart type.
ClassChartSeriesDoughnutSettings Controls the styles and behaviors for doughnut series chart type.
ClassChartSeriesLineSettings Controls the styles and behaviors for line series chart type.
ClassChartSeriesMarkerCollection The collection of marker series used by chart type which need marker series.
ClassChartSeriesMarkerCollectionSettings Controls the collection of marker series used by chart type which need marker series.
ClassChartSeriesPieSettings Controls the styles and behaviors for pie series chart type.
ClassChartSeriesPolarSettings Controls the styles and behaviors for polar series chart type.
ClassChartSeriesRadarSettings Controls the styles and behaviors for radar series chart type.
ClassChartSeriesSmoothLineSettings Controls the styles and behaviors for smooth line series chart type.
ClassChartSeriesStepLineSettings Controls the styles and behaviors for step line series chart type.
ClassChartSeriesStockSettings Controls the styles and behaviors for stock series chart type.
ClassChartSeriesXYSettings Controls the styles and behaviors for XY series chart type.
ClassChartSettings Controls the all settings related to chart.
ClassChartShadowStyle Controls the fill style applied to the chart wall.
ClassChartShowOrHideRibbonSettings Controls ribbon's visibility setting.
ClassChartSizeValue Represents the size of chart, defined as an ordered pair of lengths (Width, Height).
ClassChartSmoothLineTypeSettings Specifies available smooth line series chart type for the end-user.
ClassChartStandardFrameStyle Represents a rectangular frame around an object.
ClassChartStepLineTypeSettings Specifies available step line series chart type for the end-user.
ClassChartStrokeStyle Controls the line (or border) parameter of the object which it is applied to. With the properties of this object, you can modify the line style, color and width.
ClassChartTextStyle Controls the font, appearance and formatting of text objects.
ClassChartTextureFillStyle The base class of all fill styles using texture - gradient, image, hatch and advanced gradient.

Controls how texture based fillings are mapped on the object.

ClassChartTitleRibbonSettings Controls ribbon's title settings.
ClassChartTypeRibbonSettings Controls ribbon's ChartType settings.

Represents the value of 3D Vector.

ClassChartVisualEffectSettings Controls the settings related to the chart rendering and scaling, such as antialiasing, jittering and 2D object scaling.
ClassChartWalls Represents the main properties of ChartWallSettings.
ClassChartWallSettings Controls the chart wall appearance.
ClassChartXAxisSettings Controls X axis appearance displayed in the WebGridChart.
ClassChartYAxisSettings Controls Y axis appearance displayed in the WebGridChart.
ClassChartZAxisSettings Controls Z axis appearance displayed in the WebGridChart.
ClassSeries Base class for all series settings.
ClassSeriesArea Controls area series representation.
ClassSeriesBar Controls bar series representation.
ClassSeriesBase Controls base series representation.
ClassSeriesBubble Controls bubble series representation.
ClassSeriesLegend Controls legend series representation.
ClassSeriesLine Controls line series representation.
ClassSeriesLineBase Controls line base series representation.
ClassSeriesPie Controls pie series representation.
ClassSeriesPoint Controls point series representation.
ClassSeriesPolar Controls polar series representation.
ClassSeriesRadar Controls radar series representation.
ClassSeriesSmoothLine Controls smooth line series representation.
ClassSeriesStepLine Controls step line series representation.
ClassSeriesStock Controls stock series representation.
ClassSeriesXYScatter Controls XY scatter series representation.
ClassSeriesXYZScatter Controls XYZ scatter series representation.
ClassWebGridChartEventArgs Provides data for the ChartImageProcessing events.
ClassWebGridChartStatusArgs Provides data for the ChartImageProcessed events.


InterfaceIChartEngine Define all methods for all custom chart engine used in WebGrid.NET 6.0+.



EnumerationBarShape Defines the possible bar shapes. This enumeration is used in series which display bars.
EnumerationBevelType Defines the style of bevel and emboss filter.
EnumerationChartImageFormat Defines type of available image format for ChartImage.
EnumerationChartType Defines the type of Chart.
EnumerationFrameBevelStyle Defines the bevel style of a standard frame. You may need a frame when you want your control background to be more consistent than the other Windows controls displayed on your form. For more information see the NFrameStyle object in the Object Reference.
EnumerationLegendExpandMode Defines the legend expanding strategies, or in other words in which dimension will the legend grow when new items are added to the legend data item collection.
EnumerationPieStyle This custom type is used by the PieStyle property of the NPieSeries object and determines the style of the of the pie segments.
EnumerationPivotCriteriaState Defines Criteria State for data filtering purposes.
EnumerationPivotDataType Defines type of pivot data.
EnumerationPivotType Defines type of pivot filter.
EnumerationPredefinedLightModel The possible predefined light schemes.
EnumerationProjectionType Defines the projection type.
EnumerationRibbonState Defines the initial state for the Chart Ribbon.
EnumerationScaleLabelAngleMode Defines how axis labels are oriented depending on the scale in which they belong to.
EnumerationSeriesAppearanceMode Enumerates the series appearance mode.
EnumerationSeriesAreaType Defines types of Area series.
EnumerationShadowType Defines the  type of shadow.
EnumerationShapeRenderingMode Enumerates the shape rendering modes.

See Also

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