Intersoft WebGrid Documentation
Walkthrough: Using WebValueList in WebGrid
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This walkthrough shows you how to use WebValueList in WebGrid.

During this walkthrough, you will learn how to do the following:


In order to complete this walkthrough, you will need the following:

  • Access to the Microsoft Access NorthWind database.
  • Visual Studio 2003 Application.

 Step-By-Step Instructions

To create new web application and specify WebValueList in WebGrid.

  1. Binding Hierarchical DataSource to WebGrid.
  2. Drag OleDbDataAdapter from Data tab to the WebForm.
  3. Click Next until Generate SQL statements page, type in SELECT * FROM PRODUCTS in the textbox and click Next then Finish. Right click the newly created oleDbDataAdapter and select Generate DataSet, click OK.
  4. Rename the oleDbDataAdapter object to daProducts.
  5. Switch to HTML View and add the event OnInitializeLayout="WebGrid1_InitLayout" inside the <ISWebGrid:WebGrid id="WebGrid1" ... tag.
  6. Now open the code-behind editor by right clicking on the page and click View Code.
  7. Add using ISNet.WebUI.WebGrid; at the top of the code-behind page.
  8. Add following C# code:
    C# Copy Code
    protected void WebGrid1_InitLayout(object sender, ISNet.WebUI.WebGrid.LayoutEventArgs e) 
            // set valuelist for ShipVia
            WebValueList vlShipVia = WebGrid1.GetTableByName("Orders").Columns.GetNamedItem("ShipVia").ValueList;
            Hashtable htShipVia = new Hashtable();
            htShipVia.Add("1", "Speedy Express");
            htShipVia.Add("2", "United Package");
            htShipVia.Add("3", "Federal Shipping");
            vlShipVia.DataSource = htShipVia;
            // set valuelist for Products
            WebValueList vlProd = WebGrid1.GetTableByName("Order Details").Columns.GetNamedItem("ProductID").ValueList;
            if (!vlProd.IsDataCached()) 
                    vlProd.DataSource = dsNorthWind1;

    vlProd.SetDataSource("Products", "ProductName","ProductID");
  9. Set the WebGrid's Width to 600px, Height to 300px for larger display.
  10. Open WebGrid.NET Designer, expand RootTable, expand ChildTables, expand Orders table and select its Columns.
  11. Move the ShipVia column to the third column from the top.
  12. Click OK to apply all settings.
  13. Compile and run the WebForm.

See Also

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