Intersoft Support Center

Integrate with WebGrid

WebCombo can be integrated with WebGrid as an EditType. This integration can be specified using WebGrid Designer or programmatically in runtime.

In this topic, you will learn how to integrate WebCombo to WebGrid.

To integrate WebCombo to WebGrid

  1. Drag and drop WebGrid control to the WebForm.
  2. Set AllowEdit property to true in WebGrid Designer.
  3. Drag and drop WebCombo control to the WebForm.
  4. Bind WebGrid to AccessDataSource. (use Products table).
  5. WebCombo using ISDataSource control. (use Suppliers table).
  6. Go to WebGrid's properties and choose a SupplierID column from Columns collection.
  7. Set its EditType property to WebComboNET.
  8. Go to grid's SupplierID propertiesValueList then set the following properties:

    Property Value
    DataMember Suppliers
    DataSource ISDataSource1
    DataTextField CompanyName
    DataValueField SupplierID

  9. Set the WebComboID to wcCategories.
  10. Run the project.
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