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Enable Load-On-Demand Using ISDataSource

Retrieves data rows manually from DataSource based on user's queryText, startRow, rowCount and other properties that are available to the context. This feature allows faster and more effective partial data rows retrieval against a very large DataSource.

In this topic, you will learn how to apply load on demand in WebCombo.

To apply load on demand in WebCombo

  1. Drag and drop WebCombo instance to the form.
  2. Bind WebCombo to ISDataSource control.
  3. In ISDataSource control, set the following properties:

    Property Value
    EnablePaging True
    SelectCountMethod SelectCount
    MaximumRowsParameterName maximumRows
    StartRowIndexParameterName startRowIndex
    SelectMethod GetData
    TableName Customers

  4. Open WebCombo Designer - Advanced Settings.
  5. Set AllowAutoQueryHandler to False.
  6. Click OK to apply the changes.
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