Intersoft Support Center

Integrate to WebCombo and WebInput

WebCallOut is tightly integrated with WebCombo and WebInput.

This topic will show you how to integrate WebCallOut with WebCombo and WebInput.

To integrate with WebCombo and WebInput

  1. Drag WebCallOut and WebInput controls to the WebForm. Named WebInput as WebInput1.
  2. Right-click on WebCallOut control and choose Properties.
  3. Set ContentMode to UseTemplate and TargetControlId to WebInput1.
  4. Right-click on WebCallOut control and choose Edit Template >> WebCallOut Items.
  5. Drag WebInput, WebCombo and ASP.NET Button controls to the content template. Named WebInput as WebInput2.
  6. Bind WebCombo to AccessDataSource control (Use Customers table and bind City to WebCombo).
  7. Right-click on WebCallOut control and choose End Template Editing to apply the settings.
  8. Use OnClick client side event to integrate WebCallOut with WebCombo and WebInput.
    C# Copy ImageCopy Code
    function Button1_onclick() 
       var wiAddress = ISGetObject("WebInput2");
       var wcCity = ISGetObject("WebCombo1");
       var wiResidence = ISGetObject("WebInput1");
       var webCallOut = ISGetObject("WebCallOut1");
       var residence = wiAddress.GetValueData() + " , " + wcCity.Text;

  9. Trigger Button2_onclick() function in Button1's onclick event.

    <input id="Button2" type="button" value="Button" onclick="return Button2_onclick()" />

  10. Run the project. When you hover the mouse to WebInput1, WebCallOut will appear along with WebInput and WebCombo in it. Fill the address in WebInput and select a city from WebCombo. Finally, click the button to send the information provided into WebInput1.
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