Intersoft Support Center

General Licensing Issue on Deployment Phase

During deployment, user commonly encounters errors like "Unlicensed Version".

This error occurs due to several reasons, such as:

  • Incorrect Runtime license key
  • Spacebar in the end of Runtime license key due to copy and paste
  • Install Intersoft product in production server

This topic will guide you on how to overcome general licensing issue on deployment phase.

To handle general licensing issue on deployment phase

  • Incorrect Runtime license key

    When you deploy your project using Deployment Manager, you are required to input the Runtime license key. When you input the license key incorrectly, the tool will not alert any error. But, the error "Unlicensed Version" will occur in your production server during deployment. Just remember that the Runtime license key format is like following: 12AB3-12AB-12AB3.

  • Spacebar issue in Runtime license key

    When you input the correct Runtime license key, the error "Unlicensed Version" still occurs. It is due to the spacebar added in the Runtime license key during inputting. Sometimes when we copy and paste the key, it will somehow add a spacebar in the end of the license key. It is better to re-check after you copy and paste the Runtime license key.

  • Install Intersoft product in production server

    When you install Intersoft product in production server, the error "Unlicensed Version" will occur. It is because Intersoft product will always look for its license in the registry. It will automatically search for design time license key for development environment. Since we only provide runtime license key for deployment purpose, Intersoft product will detect its components as an unlicensed version. Therefore, it is recommended not to install any Intersoft product in the production server during deployment.

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