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General design question
Hello friend,
I’m quite new to and intersoft components, so please be patient ;-)
I need to design several screens that contain similar elements (intersoft controls)
At first I thought I will create div id for each control I need and overrun the css files.
Then I realize there is a lot of customization to do….
For instance I will have 20 screens that contain webtab at 90% of the time its properties are identical for all pages.
Thanks for your help.
Our Css standard is integrated into our our assemblies and resources.If you want to overrides the style, you would need to define into the styles properties which is available in each control.If you only need to override some styles, you don't need to define for the other styles.When you save the layout into .isl, it should only have your styles. The other style which have not been defined would follow our standard styles.You can save all your styles via designer>>LayoutManager. Regards,Handy
You can customize the layout of our control by set the style/css in available properties.E.gWebTab. To customize WebTab layout, there are several properties that you can try to set such as FrameStyle, ContainerStyle, RoundCornerSettings, DisabledStyle, TabItemStyle and the other settings.For more details, we have some sample about the customization. Please open our WebDesktop sample>> WebTab.
Thanks for your help
can you please answer the follow:
is there any .skin files i can modify?
What do you mean by share attributes?
If you have identical WebTab in 20 screens, you can use the same structures and styles at all the pages.Also, our layout is not in .skin but in .isl files (C:\Program Files\Intersoft Solutions\WebUI Studio for ASP.NET\WebDesktop.NET 3.0\Layout\WebTab). You can open each of files in notepad and see what styles that we defined in each layout.
OK Thanks!
one last question:
where are the css files for each control? could not find them.
should i add each attribute to the default.isl file?
i want to pre-set all values in single file for each control, how can i do that?
i have added attributes to the ils file, but non of my changes was applied when i added new control
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