WebScheduler Event Height And Resource Row Height Setting Doesnt Work In R2 SP1

1 reply. Last post: February 12, 2010 2:02 AM by Glenn Layaar
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1. Following is the TimelineView settings we use

<TimelineView ResourceRowHeight="40" MinimumEventHeight="20" ContentCellWidth="20"
      ResourceCellWidth="150" Enabled="true" NumberOfDays="1" StartTime="t0000" EndTime="t2300"
 TotalEventInCell="1" ZoomInLevel="Day15Minutes" ZoomOutLevel="Day15Minutes" />

2. Check the attached screen shot to see the difference in how the events are rendered in the previous version and the new one.

--> First issue is the event height, If you see the Event for resource Jonathan Criag. See the events height, it is too large.
--> Second issue is with the event heights when mulitple events overlap. If you see the Events for resource Kieran Moore,
in the old version each event has the same height, but in the newer version the events height depends on the number of
overlapping events. So in some cases the events height becomes as small as a thick line and is difficult to manage.


Prompt reply will be appreaciated!


Shahjahan Ansari

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