TimeLine Event Color Bar Font Color?

5 replies. Last post: March 14, 2012 10:31 PM by Yudi
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Frank GaryMember


Is there a way to change the font color from white to black in the event color bar text in timeline view? I believe this is the "subject" field content from the event table.

I have tried just about every setting I an think of in the "TimelineContentCellStyle" parameters but there does not seem to be a setting to change the font color from the default white to black. Is this possible? Does it need to be a custom css setting of some kind?

Attached is a screenshot, please look at the Eco 2 - MAV "Wind Dancer" at 1PM color bar example. How can I change the "Wind Dancer-a:.............." text to black?

I realize this is a trivial issue but many of the color bars being utilized in my app are very light in color and the white font "washes" out the color bar text making it impossible to see and/or read.

Please advide and thanks!

Frank Gary

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