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Standard EditingForm.aspx has cultureInfo set as "en-US"
<ISWebInput:WebInput ID="wiStartTimeDate" runat="server" Width="120px" AcceptEnter="False" SkinID="S">
<CultureInfo CultureName="en-US">
<DisplayFormat Format="MM/dd/yyyy" IsEnabled="True">
<ErrorWindowInfo IsEnabled="True">
<EditFormat Format="MM/dd/yyyy" IsEnabled="True">
<MaskInfo MaskExpression="00/00/0000">
I woud like to change this to polish version "pl-PL" then is problem with form EditingForm.aspx
My code is:
<ISWebInput:WebInput ID="wiStartTimeDate" runat="server" Width="120px" AcceptEnter="False" >
<CultureInfo CultureName="pl-PL">
<DisplayFormat Format="yyyy-MM-dd" IsEnabled="True">
<EditFormat Format="yyyy-MM-dd" IsEnabled="True">
<MaskInfo MaskExpression="0000-00-00">
<DateTimeEditor IsEnabled="True" FooterTodayText="Dzisiaj jest:">
<HighLight IsEnabled="True" Type="Phrase" />
<ClientSideEvents OnAfterValueChanged="WS_StartTimeDate_OnAfterValueChanged">
The buttons SAVE & CLOSE and CANCEL are not good formated (see attach files)
Why and how I can change it ?
Hi Adam,
I tried to replicate your issue here. This issue happen because our validation for EditingForm. When you changed the culture, WebScheduler couldn't find its value. Since it has been hardcoded in our JavaScript (it's obfuscated), you couldn't change this javascript validation. Although, there's a way to resolve the javascript error from your editing form. You can delete client-side event from WebInput in EditingForm but this way is not recommended. However, you can use Custom EditingForm to resolve this issue. It's the safest way to resolve this matter because it won't use our built-in javascript for EditingForm. You can see the walkthrough here:
Please let me know if you found any new issue in WebScheduler regarding this matter. I'll help you to resolve it. Hope this helps.
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