currency input filed

2 replies. Last post: January 14, 2010 9:40 PM by Yudi
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Martin CalovMember

Hello @all,

i've an input field for money values.
The DisplayFormat is set to currency and the CultureInfo is set to german.
So the € is used as currency symbol and comma as decimal separator.

It works well with comma-key on the main keybord field (right next to "m").
On the other hand the comma-key from numeric area (next to "0") dosn't work (the key is blocked).
But both keys have the same keycode 44.

This is my input field:

<ISWebInput:WebInput ID="AbsBetr" runat="server" Width="100px" Height="18px" Enabled="True">
<DisplayFormat Format="c" IsEnabled="True" Type="Number">
<ErrorWindowInfo IsEnabled="True">
<CultureInfo CultureName="de-DE">

When I switch the CulturInfo to "en-US" the comma-Key from numeric area is accepted as thousand group separator.

What can I do, when I want to use the comma-key from numeric area while setting the german currency format to the input field?

Thanks a lot!

With kind regards
Martin Calov

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